Source code for cntk.contrib.crosstalk

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================

Crosstalk (Contrib) for debugging/conversion among toolkits

It is the utility to manage variables for debugging/conversion across scripts in different toolkits.
With crosstalk, user can define named watch points to variables or parameters, and setting up a work dir. 
Then crosstalk can save/load variables to corresponding files from python debugger, and compare values using numpy. 

import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

class _VarInfo(namedtuple('_VarInfo', 'var type attr')):
    ''' Variable information

        The variable object

        The type of the variable object

        The attributes for variable setter/getter

class _FuncInfo(namedtuple('_FuncInfo', 'setter getter')):
    ''' Setter/getter functions for a given variable type
        The setter function

        The getter function

# attributes for high level blocks
[docs]class Conv2DAttr(namedtuple('Conv2DAttr', 'filter_shape num_filters')): ''' Attribute for Conv2D variable filter_shape The filter shape num_filters Number of filters '''
[docs]class Conv2DArgs(namedtuple('Conv2DArgs', 'W b')): ''' Args inside Conv2D variable. Conv2D output is in NCHW format W The numpy ndarray of filter parameter in shape (num_filters, filter_w, filter_h,)) b The numpy ndarray of bias parameter in shape (num_filters,) '''
[docs]class RnnAttr(namedtuple('RnnAttr', 'bidirectional op_type input_dim hidden_dim forget_bias')): ''' Attribute for RNN variable bidirectional True for bidirectional RNN, False for unidirection. Currently only support bidirectional=True op_type RNN cell type, currently only support 'lstm' input_dim Input dimension hidden_dim Hidden dimension in RNN cell forget_bias forget gate bias in LSTM '''
[docs]class RnnArgs(namedtuple('RnnArgs', 'fw_W fw_H fw_b bw_W bw_H bw_b')): ''' Args inside RNN variable. fw_W The numpy ndarray of input projection parameter for RNN forward in shape (input_dim, num_gates * hidden_dim) fw_H The numpy ndarray of hidden projection parameter for RNN forward in shape (hidden_dim, num_gates * hidden_dim) fw_b The numpy ndarray of bias parameter for RNN forward in shape (num_gates * hidden_dim,) bw_W The numpy ndarray of input projection parameter for RNN backward in shape (input_dim, num_gates * hidden_dim) bw_H The numpy ndarray of hidden projection parameter for RNN backward in shape (hidden_dim, num_gates * hidden_dim) bw_b The numpy ndarray of bias parameter for RNN backward in shape (num_gates * hidden_dim,) '''
[docs]class EmbedAttr(namedtuple('EmbedAttr', 'dict input_dim')): ''' Attribute for embedding variable dict The list of vocabulary of the embedding input_dim The input dimension of the embedding '''
def _compare_list_to_ndarray(list_value, ndarray_value, rtol, atol, equal_nan): if ndarray_value.shape[0] != len(list_value): raise Exception('mismatch batch size') if ndarray_value.shape[2:] != list_value[0].shape[1:]: raise Exception('mismatch sample shape') # it's OK for sequence axis to be different match = True for batch, list_item in enumerate(list_value): ndarray_item = ndarray_value[batch][:list_item.shape[0]] # note gt might be padded if not np.isclose(ndarray_item, list_item, rtol, atol, equal_nan).all(): diff = (ndarray_item - list_item) ** 2 diff_sum = diff.sum(axis=tuple(range(1,len(diff.shape)))) print('mismatch found at item {} row {}'.format(batch, np.argmax(diff_sum))) match = False break return match
[docs]class Crosstalk(object): ''' Base class of Crosstalk. Please refer to crosstalk unittests for examples of how to exchange/compare values between different toolkits. ''' def __init__(self): self.funcs = {} self.reset()
[docs] def set_workdir(self, dir): ''' Set up a working directory for save/load numpy values(.npy) or python data (.pkl) Args: dir (`str`): Working directory ''' self.work_dir = dir if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)
[docs] def next_pass(self): ''' Bump up passes so save won't overwrite existing files ''' self.passes += 1
[docs] def watch(self, var, name, var_type=None, attr=None): ''' Add variables to watch with a unique name. Args: var: Variable to watch. The type is toolkit specific name (`str`): A unique name of the watched variable var_type : Variable type for set/get value callback. would be type of var if None is specified attr : attributes for the variable that would be used when getting/setting values. Could be one of Conv2DAttr/EmbedAttr/RnnAttr ''' if name in self.vars.keys(): raise Exception('var with name {} already exists'.format(name)) self.vars[name] = _VarInfo(var, var_type if var_type else type(var), attr)
[docs] def register_funcs(self, var_type, setter=None, getter=None): ''' Register setter/getter functions for a given variable type Args: var_type: Type of the variable setter: Lambda function to set value getter: Lambda function to get value ''' self.funcs[var_type] = _FuncInfo(setter, getter)
def _get_filename(self, name): return os.path.join(self.work_dir, '{}_{}'.format(self.passes, name))
[docs] def load_raw_value(self, name): ''' Load raw value from npy|pkl file in working directory Args: name (`str`): Name of the file to load Returns: loaded data in numpy ndarray or dict of numpy ndarray ''' if os.path.exists(self._get_filename(name)+'.npy'): return np.load(self._get_filename(name)+'.npy') elif os.path.exists(self._get_filename(name)+'.pkl'): with open(self._get_filename(name)+'.pkl', 'rb') as pkl: return pickle.load(pkl) else: raise Exception('file not found for name {}'.format(name))
[docs] def assign(self, name, value=None, load=False, load_name=None): ''' Set value to var, with option to load from working directory Args: name (`str`): Name of the variable to assign value : Numpy ndarray of dict of numpy ndarray data to assign to the variable load (`bool`): True to Load the data from working directory with the matching name, instead of using value. value has to be None when load=True load_name (`str`): None to load data with the same name, otherwise load with overrided load_name ''' if load and value: raise Exception('assign can only have one source') var, var_type, attr = self.vars[name] if load: value = self.load_raw_value(load_name if load_name else name) else: old_value = self.fetch(name) if type(old_value) != type(value): raise Exception('cannot assign with different types: original {}, new {}'.format(type(old_value), type(value))) self.funcs[var_type].setter(var, value, attr)
[docs] def fetch(self, name, save=False): ''' Fetch/evaluate var with name and optionally save to working directory Args: name (`str`): Name of the variable to fetch save (`bool`): Save the data to working directory ''' var, var_type, attr = self.vars[name] raw_value = self.funcs[var_type].getter(var, attr) if save: if type(raw_value) == np.ndarray:'.npy', raw_value) else: with open(self._get_filename(name)+'.pkl', 'wb') as pkl: pickle.dump(raw_value, pkl) return raw_value
[docs] def compare(self, name, compare_name=None, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): ''' Compare var with name to value in file in working directory Args: name (`str`): Name of the variable to compare compare_name (`str`): Compare to file with compare_name if specified rtol (`float`): The relative tolerance parameter, as in numpy.isclose() atol (`float`): The absolute tolerance parameter, as in numpy.isclose() equal_nan (`bool`): Whether to compare NaNs as equal, as in numpy.isclose() ''' var, var_type, attr = self.vars[name] raw_value = self.funcs[var_type].getter(var, attr) gt_value = self.load_raw_value(compare_name if compare_name else name) if type(raw_value) == np.ndarray: if type(gt_value) == np.ndarray: return np.isclose(gt_value, raw_value, rtol, atol, equal_nan).all() elif type(gt_value) == list: return _compare_list_to_ndarray(gt_value, raw_value, rtol, atol, equal_nan) elif type(raw_value) == list and all([type(x) == np.ndarray for x in raw_value]): if type(gt_value) == np.ndarray: # handle batch axis in ndarray as well as in list return _compare_list_to_ndarray(raw_value, gt_value, rtol, atol, equal_nan) else: if type(gt_value) != list or not all([type(x) == np.ndarray for x in gt_value]) or len(gt_value) != len(raw_value): raise Exception('mismatch length or type') return all([np.isclose(gt, raw, rtol, atol, equal_nan).all() for (gt,raw) in zip(gt_value, raw_value)]) elif type(raw_value) == dict: if type(gt_value) != dict or not all([type(x) == np.ndarray for x in gt_value.values()]) or len(gt_value) != len(raw_value): raise Exception('mismatch length or type') if gt_value.keys() != raw_value.keys(): raise Exception('mismatch dict') return all([np.isclose(gt_value[w], raw_value[w], rtol, atol, equal_nan).all() for w in gt_value.keys()]) else: raise Exception('can only compare numpy.ndarray, list of numpy.ndarray or dict of numpy.ndarray')
[docs] def load(self, names): ''' Load variables in list of names Args: names : List of `str` of variable names to load ''' [self.assign(n, load=True) for n in names if n in self.vars.keys()]
[docs] def save(self, names): ''' Save variables in list of names Args: names : List of `str` of variable names to save ''' [self.fetch(n, save=True) for n in names if n in self.vars.keys()]
[docs] def save_all(self): ''' Save all variables '''
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset all variables and passes, setter/getter functions for variable types are kept ''' self.vars = {} self.passes = 0