Source code for cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkinstance

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
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from operator import mul
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np

import cntk
import as xforms
from cntk import ops, io, learners, internal
from cntk import Trainer
from cntk.layers.blocks import BlockFunction

[docs]class BlockApiSetup(object): ''' Implement some special requirement ops ''' @staticmethod
[docs] def convolution(output, kernel, stride, pad, kernel_init, bias_init, group, dilation, name): ''' Implement convolution ops Args: output (int): the output channel size kernel (list): the kernel size of filter, with format [width, height] stride (list): the stride of convolution, with format [w_stride, h_stride] pad (bool): auto padding or not kernel_init (`np.array`): the tensor saving initialize values of filter bias_init (`np.array`): the tensor saving initialize values of bias group (int): the group size in the convolution dilation (list): the dilation of convolution, with format [w_dilation, h_dilation] name (str): the name of ops Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.as_block`: the function contains convolution ops ''' def _conv_ops(weights, data): return ops.convolution(weights, data, strides=(cntk.InferredDimension, ) + \ ops.sanitize_shape(stride), auto_padding=[False, pad, pad]) def _weights_parameter(output_channels, init, group_name): dilation_kernel = [(k - 1) * d + 1 for k, d in zip(kernel, dilation)] # expand kernel to simulate dilation used_init = init.copy() if dilation_kernel != kernel: for axis in range(len(dilation)): kernel_sequence = [x * dilation[axis] for x in range(kernel[axis])] insert_lines = list(set([x for x in range(dilation_kernel[axis])]) ^ set(kernel_sequence)) for index in range(len(insert_lines)): insert_lines[index] -= index used_init = np.insert(used_init, insert_lines, 0, axis=len(init.shape) - axis - 1) return ops.parameter(shape=(output_channels, cntk.InferredDimension) + ops.sanitize_shape(dilation_kernel), init=used_init, name=group_name) if group == 1: w = _weights_parameter(output, kernel_init, '.'.join((name, 'W'))) else: sub_output_channels = int(output / group) groups_kernel_init = np.split(kernel_init, group) groups_kernel = [_weights_parameter(sub_output_channels, groups_kernel_init[i], '.'.join((name, str(i), 'W'))) for i in range(0, group)] sub_input_channels = groups_kernel[0].shape[1] if bias_init is not None: b = ops.parameter(shape=(output, ), init=bias_init, name='.'.join((name, 'b'))) @BlockFunction('Convolution', name) def _convolution(x): if group == 1: apply_x = _conv_ops(w, x) else: groups_data = [ops.slice(x, axis=0, begin_index=i * sub_input_channels, end_index=(i + 1) * sub_input_channels) for i in range(0, group)] apply_sub = [_conv_ops(group_kernel, group_data) for group_kernel, group_data in zip(groups_kernel, groups_data)] apply_x = ops.splice(*apply_sub, axis=0) if bias_init is not None: apply_x += b return apply_x return _convolution
[docs] def linear(output_shape, input_shape, scale_init, bias_init, name): ''' Implement linear ops, also known as full connection in Caffe Args: output_shape (tuple): the output channel size input_shape (tuple): the input channel size scale_init (`np.array`): the tensor saving initialize values of scale bias_init (`np.array`): the tensor saving initialize values of bias name (str): the name of ops Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.as_block`: the function contains linear ops ''' sc = ops.parameter(shape=input_shape + output_shape, init=scale_init, name='.'.join((name, 'sc'))) b = ops.parameter(shape=output_shape, init=bias_init, name='.'.join((name, 'b'))) @BlockFunction('linear', name) def _linear(x): apply_x = ops.times(x, sc) apply_x += b return apply_x return _linear
[docs] def lrn(k, n, alpha, beta, name): ''' Implement LRN ops Args: k (int): the factor k in LRN n (int): the normalization radius alpha (float): alpha factor in LRN beta (float): beta factor in LRN name (str): the name of ops Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.as_block`: the function contains lrn ops ''' # @BlockFunction('lrn', name) # def _lrn(x): # x2 = cntk.ops.square(x) # x2s = cntk.ops.reshape(x2, (1, cntk.InferredDimension), 0, 1) # w = cntk.ops.constant(alpha / (2 * n - 1), (1, 2 * n - 1, 1, 1), name='W') # y = cntk.ops.convolution(w, x2s) # # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension # b = cntk.ops.reshape(y, cntk.InferredDimension, 0, 2) # den = cntk.ops.exp(beta * cntk.ops.log(k + b)) # apply_x = cntk.ops.element_divide(x, den) # return apply_x @BlockFunction('lrn', name) def _lrn(x): return cntk.local_response_normalization(x, int(n - 1), k, alpha, beta) return _lrn
[docs]class ApiSetup(object): ''' Setup CNTK ops with given parameters ''' @staticmethod
[docs] def convolution(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup convolution op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of convolution op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk convolution op ''' sanitize_input = internal.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) params = cntk_layer.parameters output_channel = params.output kernel_size = params.kernel kernel_shape = (output_channel, int(sanitize_input.shape[0] / + tuple(kernel_size) kernel_init = None if cntk_layer.parameter_tensor: kernel_data_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[0] kernel_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) kernel_init = np.reshape(kernel_init, newshape=kernel_shape) bias_shape = (output_channel, ) + (1,) * 2 bias_init = None if params.need_bias: if cntk_layer.parameter_tensor: bias_data_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[1] bias_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) bias_init = np.reshape(bias_init, bias_shape) return BlockApiSetup.convolution(output_channel, kernel_size, stride=params.stride, pad=params.auto_pad, kernel_init=kernel_init, bias_init=bias_init,, dilation=params.dilation, name=cntk_layer.op_name)(sanitize_input)
[docs] def batch_norm(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup batch normalization op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of batch normalization op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk batch normalization op ''' sanitize_input = internal.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) parameter_tensor = (sanitize_input.shape[0], ) scale_init = 1 bias_init = 0 mean_init = 1 var_init = 0 if cntk_layer.parameter_tensor: if len(cntk_layer.parameter_tensor) < 3: raise AssertionError('At least three tensors (saved_mean, saved_variance and scale) are needed') mean_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[0] variance_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[1] global_scale = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[2].data[0] moving_average_factor = 1 / global_scale if global_scale != 0 else 0 mean_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) * moving_average_factor var_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) * moving_average_factor if len(cntk_layer.parameter_tensor) == 5: scale_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[3] bias_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[4] scale_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) bias_init = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) scale_parameters = ops.parameter(parameter_tensor, init=scale_init, name='.'.join((cntk_layer.op_name, 'scale'))) bias_parameters = ops.parameter(parameter_tensor, init=bias_init, name='.'.join((cntk_layer.op_name, 'bias'))) mean_parameters = ops.parameter(parameter_tensor, init=mean_init, name='.'.join((cntk_layer.op_name, 'mean'))) var_parameters = ops.parameter(parameter_tensor, init=var_init, name='.'.join((cntk_layer.op_name, 'var'))) epsilon = cntk_layer.parameters.epsilon return ops.batch_normalization(sanitize_input, scale_parameters, bias_parameters, mean_parameters, var_parameters, True, use_cudnn_engine=False, epsilon=epsilon, running_count=ops.constant(0), name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def pooling(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup pooling op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of pooling op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk pooling op ''' sanitize_input = internal.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) pooling_type = ops.PoolingType_Average if cntk_layer.parameters.pooling_type else ops.PoolingType_Max return ops.pooling(sanitize_input, pooling_type, tuple(cntk_layer.parameters.kernel), strides=tuple(cntk_layer.parameters.stride), auto_padding=[cntk_layer.parameters.auto_pad], ceil_out_dim=True, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def relu(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup ReLU op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of ReLU op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk ReLU op ''' sanitize_input = internal.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) return ops.relu(sanitize_input, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def dense(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup dense op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of dense op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk dense op ''' sanitize_input = internal.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) input_channel = sanitize_input.shape output_channel = cntk_layer.parameters.num_output flattened_channel = reduce(mul, list(input_channel)) scale_shape = input_channel + (output_channel, ) bias_shape = (output_channel, ) if cntk_layer.parameter_tensor: if len(cntk_layer.parameter_tensor) != 2: raise AssertionError('dense layer layer receives two inputs (scale/bias)') scale_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[0] bias_tensor = cntk_layer.parameter_tensor[1] scale_init = np.asarray(, np.float32) if cntk_layer.parameters.transpose: scale_init = np.reshape(scale_init, (output_channel, flattened_channel)) scale_init = np.transpose(scale_init).copy() scale_init = np.reshape(scale_init, scale_shape) else: scale_init = np.reshape(scale_init, scale_shape) bias_init = np.asarray(, np.float32) return BlockApiSetup.linear(bias_shape, scale_shape, scale_init, bias_init, cntk_layer.op_name)(sanitize_input)
[docs] def plus(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup plus op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of dense op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk dense op ''' sanitize_left = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) sanitize_right = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[1]) return, sanitize_right, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def dropout(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup dropout op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of dropout op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk dropout op ''' sanitize_output = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) return ops.dropout(sanitize_output, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def lrn(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup lrn op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of lrn op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk lrn op ''' sanitize_output = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) params = cntk_layer.parameters return BlockApiSetup.lrn(params.k, params.kernel_size, params.alpha, params.beta, cntk_layer.op_name)(sanitize_output)
[docs] def splice(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup splice op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of splice op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk splice op ''' return ops.splice(*inputs, axis=0, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs] def softmax(cntk_layer, inputs): ''' Setup softmax op with given parameters Args: cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`): the layer definition of softmax op inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or :class:`~cntk.input` Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk softmax op ''' sanitize_output = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0]) return ops.softmax(sanitize_output, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
[docs]class CntkApiInstance(object): ''' Instace CNTK ops and network ''' def __init__(self, cntk_uni_model, global_conf): self._functions = {} self._output = None self._model_solver = global_conf.model_solver self._source_solver = global_conf.source_solver self._instance(cntk_uni_model) def _instance(self, cntk_uni_model): self.instance_input(cntk_uni_model.data_provider) self.instance_functions(cntk_uni_model.cntk_sorted_layers, cntk_uni_model.cntk_layers)
[docs] def instance_input(self, data_providers): ''' Instace the inputs into CNTK variable Args: data_providers (list): the list contains the definition of inputs Return: None ''' if self._model_solver.cntk_tensor is not None: for key, tensor in self._model_solver.cntk_tensor.items(): input_var = cntk.input(tuple(tensor), name=key) self._functions[key] = input_var else: for data_provider in data_providers: input_var = cntk.input(tuple(data_provider.tensor[:]), name=data_provider.op_name) self._functions[data_provider.op_name] = input_var
[docs] def instance_functions(self, cntk_sorted_layers, cntk_layers): ''' Instace all nodes into CNTK ops Args: cntk_sorted_layers (list): the list contains the name of instaced layers with traversal order cntk_layers (dict): the dict contains all layers definition Return: None ''' unused_func = set() for cntk_sorted_layer in cntk_sorted_layers: cntk_layer = cntk_layers[cntk_sorted_layer] local_inputs = [] for local_input in cntk_layer.inputs: local_inputs.append(self._functions[local_input]) if self._functions[local_input] in unused_func: unused_func.remove(self._functions[local_input]) self._functions[cntk_layer.op_name] = getattr(ApiSetup,\ )(cntk_layer, local_inputs) unused_func.add(self._functions[cntk_layer.op_name]) self._output = ops.combine(list(unused_func), name='outputs')
[docs] def export_model(self): ''' Save instanced CNTK model Args: None Return: None ''' save_path = self._model_solver.cntk_model_path
[docs] def get_model(self): ''' Get instaced CNTK model Args: None Return: :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: the output node of CNTK ''' return self._output
[docs] def get_functions(self): ''' Return the functions of CNTK network Args: None Return: list: the instaced functions of CNTK ''' return self._functions