Source code for cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class CntkParameters(object): ''' The parameter of all CNTK op ''' def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class CntkConvolutionParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of convolution op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.output = 0 self.stride = [0, 0] self.kernel = [0, 0] self.auto_pad = False self.scale_setting = [1, 1] self.bias_setting = [1, 1] self.need_bias = True self.dilation = [1, 1] = 1
[docs]class CntkPoolingParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of pooling op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.stride = [0, 0] self.kernel = [0, 0] self.auto_pad = False self.pooling_type = 0 # 0 for max, 1 for average
[docs]class CntkBatchNormParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of batch normalization op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.spatial = 2 self.norm_time_const = 0 self.blend_time_const = 0 self.epsilon = 0.00001 self.scale_setting = [1, 1] self.bias_setting = [1, 1]
[docs]class CntkDenseParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of dense op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.num_output = 0 self.scale_setting = [1, 1] self.bias_setting = [1, 1] self.transpose = False
[docs]class CntkSpliceParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of splice op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.axis = 1
[docs]class CntkLRNParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of LRN op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.kernel_size = 5 self.alpha = 1 self.beta = 5 self.k = 1
[docs]class CntkPSROIPoolingParameters(CntkParameters): ''' The parameter definition of PSROIPooling op ''' def __init__(self): CntkParameters.__init__(self) self.group_size = 1 self.out_channel = 1
[docs]class CntkLayerType(Enum): ''' The enumate of CNTK ops ''' relu = 1 convolution = 2 pooling = 3 batch_norm = 4 plus = 5 dense = 6 splice = 7 classification_error = 10 cross_entropy_with_softmax = 11 dropout = 12 lrn = 13 psroi_pooling = 14 softmax = 15 unknown = 100
[docs]class CntkTensorDefinition(object): ''' The definition of data blob ''' def __init__(self): self.tensor = [0 * 4] = []
[docs]class CntkLayersDefinition(object): ''' The definition of nodes, created by Caffe and instaced by CNTK ''' def __init__(self): self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.op_name = None self.parameters = None self.op_type = CntkLayerType.unknown self.tensor = [] self.parameter_tensor = []
[docs]class CntkSolver(object): ''' Record the solver state ''' def __init__(self): self.learning_rate = None self.max_epoch = None self.adjust_interval = None self.decrease_factor = None self.upper_limit = None self.minibatch_size = None self.weight_decay = None self.dropout = None self.number_to_show_result = None self.grad_update_type = None self.momentum = None
[docs]class CntkModelDescription(object): ''' Record the basic information of model ''' def __init__(self): self.data_provider = [] self.cntk_layers = {} # Dict Key: function name, Value: function definition self.cntk_sorted_layers = [] # List Key: function name self.model_name = 'Untitled' self.solver = None