Source code for cntk.contrib.deeprl.agent.agent

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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# ==============================================================================
"""Base class for defining an agent."""

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from importlib import import_module

from .shared.discretize import BoxSpaceDiscretizer

[docs]class AgentBaseClass(object): """Base class for defining an agent.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, o_space, a_space): """ Constructor for AgentBaseClass. Args: o_space: observation space, gym.spaces.tuple_space.Tuple is not supported. a_space: action space, limits to gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete. """ if self._classname(a_space) != 'gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete': raise ValueError( 'Action space {0} incompatible with {1}. (Only supports ' 'Discrete action spaces.)'.format(a_space, self)) self._num_actions = a_space.n # We assume the observation is in one of the following cases: # 1. discrete, and takes values from 0 to n - 1 # 2. can be discretized, and the raw state is converted to an internal # state taking values from 0 to n - 1 # 3. raw, such as images from Atari games # # OpenAI gym supports the following observation types: # Discrete, Box, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete and Tuple. Discrete # corresponds to case 1. Box, MultiBinary and MultiDiscrete can be # either case 2 or 3. Tuple is a mix of case 1, 2 or 3, and is not # supported currently. # # The observation-related parameters are defined as follows: # _discrete_observation_space: True for cases 1 and 2, False otherwise. # State is represented by a scalar. # _space_discretizer: Not none for case 2 to indicate a conversion on # state is required. None otherwise. # _shape_of_inputs: (n, ) for cases 1 and 2 to indicate it is a vector # of length n. For case 3, it is the shape of array that represents # the state. For example, an image input will have shape denoted as # tuple (channel, width, height). if not (self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete' or self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.multi_binary.MultiBinary' or self._classname(o_space) == '' or self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.multi_discrete.MultiDiscrete'): raise ValueError( 'Unsupported observation space type: {0}'.format(o_space)) self._space_discretizer = None self._discrete_observation_space = \ (self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete') # Set self._num_states for discrete observation space only. # Otherwise set it to None so that an exception will be raised # should it be used later in the code. self._num_states = \ o_space.n if self._discrete_observation_space else None if (self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete' or self._classname(o_space) == 'gym.spaces.multi_binary.MultiBinary'): self._shape_of_inputs = (o_space.n,) else: self._shape_of_inputs = o_space.shape self._preprocessor = None self._best_model = None @abstractmethod
[docs] def start(self, state): """ Start a new episode. Args: state (object): observation provided by the environment. Returns: action (int): action choosen by agent. debug_info (dict): auxiliary diagnostic information. """ pass
[docs] def step(self, reward, next_state): """ Observe one transition and choose an action. Args: reward (float) : amount of reward returned after previous action. next_state (object): observation provided by the environment. Returns: action (int): action choosen by agent. debug_info (dict): auxiliary diagnostic information. """ pass
[docs] def end(self, reward, next_state): """ Last observed reward/state of the episode (which then terminates). Args: reward (float) : amount of reward returned after previous action. next_state (object): observation provided by the environment. """ pass
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save model to file.""" pass
[docs] def save_parameter_settings(self, filename): """Save parameter settings to file.""" pass
[docs] def set_as_best_model(self): """Copy current model to best model.""" pass
[docs] def enter_evaluation(self): """Setup before evaluation.""" pass
[docs] def exit_evaluation(self): """Tear-down after evaluation.""" pass
[docs] def evaluate(self, o): """ Choose action for given observation without updating agent's status. Args: o (object): observation provided by the environment. Returns: action (int): action choosen by agent. """ a, _ = self._choose_action(self._preprocess_state(o)) return a
@abstractmethod def _choose_action(self, state): """ Choose an action according to the policy. Args: state (object): observation seen by agent, which can be different from what is provided by the environment. The difference comes from preprcessing. Returns: action (int): action choosen by agent. debug_info (str): auxiliary diagnostic information. """ pass def _discretize_observation_space(self, space, discretization_resolution): if self._classname(space) == '': self._space_discretizer = BoxSpaceDiscretizer( space, discretization_resolution) self._discrete_observation_space = True self._num_states = self._space_discretizer.num_states self._shape_of_inputs = (self._num_states,) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported space type for discretization: {0}".format(space)) def _discretize_state_if_necessary(self, state): if self._space_discretizer is not None: return self._space_discretizer.discretize(state) else: return state def _index_to_vector(self, index, dimension): # TODO: consider using cntk.core.Value.one_hot here. a = np.zeros(dimension,) a[index] = 1 return a def _preprocess_state(self, state): """Preprocess state to generate input to neural network. When state is a scalar which is the index of the state space, convert it using one-hot encoding. For other cases, state and input are the same, roughly. CNTK only supports float32 and float64. Performs appropriate type conversion as well. """ o = self._discretize_state_if_necessary(state) if self._discrete_observation_space: o = self._index_to_vector(o, self._num_states) if self._preprocessor is not None: o = self._preprocessor.preprocess(o) # TODO: allow float64 dtype. if != 'float32': o = o.astype(np.float32) return o def _classname(self, instance): return instance.__class__.__module__ + '.' + instance.__class__.__name__ def _import_method(self, path): """Import method specified as module_name.method_name.""" module_name, method_name = path.rsplit('.', 1) try: module = import_module(module_name) method = getattr(module, method_name) except (AttributeError, ImportError): raise ValueError('Cannot import method: "{0}"'.format(path)) return method