Source code for cntk.eval.evaluator

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================

from .. import cntk_py 
from ..device import use_default_device
from cntk.internal import sanitize_var_map, sanitize_function, typemap
from import MinibatchData

__doc__= '''\
An evaluator provides functionality to evaluate minibatches against the specified evaluation function.

[docs]class Evaluator(cntk_py.Evaluator): ''' Class for evaluation of minibatches against the specified evaluation function. Args: eval_function (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): evaluation function. progress_writers (list): optionally, list of progress writers from :mod:`cntk.utils` to track training progress. ''' def __init__(self, eval_function, progress_writers=None): if eval_function is not None: eval_function = sanitize_function(eval_function) if progress_writers is None: progress_writers = [] elif not isinstance(progress_writers, list): progress_writers = [progress_writers] evaluator = cntk_py.create_evaluator(eval_function, progress_writers) # transplant into this class instance self.__dict__ = evaluator.__dict__
[docs] def test_minibatch(self, arguments, device=None, distributed=False): ''' Test the evaluation function on the specified batch of samples. Args: arguments: maps variables to their input data. The interpretation depends on the input type: * `dict`: keys are input variable or names, and values are the input data. See :meth:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function.forward` for details on passing input data. * any other type: if node has a unique input, ``arguments`` is mapped to this input. For nodes with more than one input, only `dict` is allowed. In both cases, every sample in the data will be interpreted as a new sequence. To mark samples as continuations of the previous sequence, specify ``arguments`` as `tuple`: the first element will be used as ``arguments``, and the second one will be used as a list of bools, denoting whether a sequence is a new one (`True`) or a continuation of the previous one (`False`). Data should be either NumPy arrays or a :class:`` instance. device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): the device descriptor that contains the type and id of the device on which the computation is to be performed. distributed (`bool`, optional): flag indicating if evaluation results should be aggregated across workers. Note: See :meth:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function.forward` for examples on passing input data. Returns: `float`: the average evaluation criterion value per sample for the tested minibatch. ''' if not device: device = use_default_device() arguments = sanitize_var_map(tuple(self.evaluation_function.arguments), arguments) return super(Evaluator, self).test_minibatch(arguments, device, distributed)
@property @typemap def evaluation_function(self): ''' The evaluation function that the evaluator is using. ''' return super(Evaluator, self).evaluation_function()
[docs] def summarize_test_progress(self): ''' Updates the progress writers with the summary of test progress since start and resets the internal accumulators. ''' return super(Evaluator, self).summarize_test_progress()
[docs] def print_node_timing(self): ''' Prints per-node average timing per-minibatch for each primitive function statistics would reset after print ''' return super(Evaluator, self).print_node_timing()