Source code for

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
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# ==============================================================================

CNTK IO utilities.

import warnings
from cntk import cntk_py, Value
from cntk.tensor import ArrayMixin
from cntk.internal import typemap, sanitize_dtype_cntk, is_string
from cntk.device import use_default_device
from cntk.logging import TraceLevel, get_trace_level
from cntk.variables import Record
from cntk.internal.utils import _py_dict_to_cntk_dict

import numpy as np
import uuid

INFINITELY_REPEAT = cntk_py.MinibatchSource.infinitely_repeat
'''int: constant used to specify a minibatch scheduling unit to equal the size of the full data sweep.'''

FULL_DATA_SWEEP = cntk_py.MinibatchSource.full_data_sweep
DEFAULT_RANDOMIZATION_WINDOW_IN_CHUNKS = cntk_py.MinibatchSource.default_randomization_window_in_chunks

[docs]class MinibatchData(cntk_py.MinibatchData, ArrayMixin): ''' Holds a minibatch of input data. This is never directly created, but only returned by :class:`MinibatchSource` instances. ''' def __init__(self, value, num_sequences, num_samples, sweep_end): super(MinibatchData, self).__init__(value, num_sequences, num_samples, sweep_end) @property def num_sequences(self): ''' The number of sequences in this minibatch ''' return self.number_of_sequences @property def num_samples(self): ''' The number of samples in this minibatch ''' return self.number_of_samples
[docs] def as_sequences(self, variable=None): ''' Convert the value of this minibatch instance to a sequence of NumPy arrays that have their masked entries removed. Returns: a list of NumPy arrays if dense, otherwise a SciPy CSR array ''' return
@property def shape(self): ''' The shape of the data in this minibatch as tuple. ''' return @property @typemap def data(self): ''' Retrieves the underlying :class:`~cntk.core.Value` instance. ''' return super(MinibatchData, self).data @property def mask(self): ''' The mask object of the minibatch. In it, `2` marks the beginning of a sequence, `1` marks a sequence element as valid, and `0` marks it as invalid. ''' return @property def end_of_sweep(self): ''' Indicates whether the data in this minibatch comes from a sweep end or crosses a sweep boundary (and as a result includes data from different sweeps). ''' return self.sweep_end @property def is_sparse(self): ''' Whether the data in this minibatch is sparse. ''' return def __len__(self): return self.num_sequences
[docs]class MinibatchSource(cntk_py.MinibatchSource): ''' MinibatchSource(deserializers,,,, randomization_window_in_samples=0, randomization_seed=0, trace_level=cntk.logging.get_trace_level(), multithreaded_deserializer=None, frame_mode=False, truncation_length=0, randomize=True, max_errors=0) Args: deserializers (a single deserializer or a `list`): deserializers to be used in the composite reader max_samples (`int`, defaults to :const:``): The maximum number of input samples (not 'label samples') the reader can produce. After this number has been reached, the reader returns empty minibatches on subsequent calls to :meth:`next_minibatch`. `max_samples` and `max_sweeps` are mutually exclusive, an exception will be raised if both have non-default values. **Important:** Click :cntkwiki:`here <BrainScript-epochSize-and-Python-epoch_size-in-CNTK>` for a description of input and label samples. max_sweeps (`int`, defaults to :const:``): The maximum number of sweeps over the input dataset After this number has been reached, the reader returns empty minibatches on subsequent calls to func:`next_minibatch`. `max_samples` and `max_sweeps` are mutually exclusive, an exception will be raised if both have non-default values. randomization_window_in_chunks (`int`, defaults to :const:``): size of the randomization window in chunks, non-zero value enables randomization. `randomization_window_in_chunks` and `randomization_window_in_samples` are mutually exclusive, an exception will be raised if both have non-zero values. randomization_window_in_samples (`int`, defaults to `0`): size of the randomization window in samples, non-zero value enables randomization. `randomization_window_in_chunks` and `randomization_window_in_samples` are mutually exclusive, an exception will be raised if both have non-zero values. randomization_seed (`int`, defaults to 0): initial randomization seed value (incremented every sweep when the input data is re-randomized). trace_level (an instance of :class:`cntk.logging.TraceLevel`): the output verbosity level, defaults to the current logging verbosity level given by :func:`~cntk.logging.get_trace_level`. multithreaded_deserializer (`bool`): specifies if the deserialization should be done on a single or multiple threads. Defaults to `None`, which is effectively "auto" (multhithreading is disabled unless ImageDeserializer is present in the deserializers list). `False` and `True` faithfully turn the multithreading off/on. frame_mode (`bool`, defaults to `False`): switches the frame mode on and off. If the frame mode is enabled the input data will be processed as individual frames ignoring all sequence information (this option cannot be used for BPTT, an exception will be raised if frame mode is enabled and the truncation length is non-zero). truncation_length (`int`, defaults to `0`): truncation length in samples, non-zero value enables the truncation (only applicable for BPTT, cannot be used in frame mode, an exception will be raised if frame mode is enabled and the truncation length is non-zero). randomize (`bool`, defaults to `True`): Enables or disables randomization; use randomization_window_in_chunks or randomization_window_in_samples to specify the randomization range max_errors (`int`, defaults to `0`): maximum number of errors in the dataset to ignore ''' _runtime_deserializer_table = {} _deserializer_factory = None _deserializer_counter = 0 @staticmethod def _create_deserializer(id): # Return previosly registred object to C++ side. deserializer = MinibatchSource._runtime_deserializer_table[id] del MinibatchSource._runtime_deserializer_table[id] return deserializer @staticmethod def _get_config(deserializer): # Create and register deserializer factory if does not exists. from cntk.internal import _DeserializerFactory if MinibatchSource._deserializer_factory is None: MinibatchSource._deserializer_factory = _DeserializerFactory(MinibatchSource._create_deserializer) cntk_py._register_deserializer_factory(MinibatchSource._deserializer_factory) # Remember deserializer with a unique generated id # to return it later when _create_deserializer is called from C++ side. id = str(MinibatchSource._deserializer_counter) MinibatchSource._deserializer_counter += 1 MinibatchSource._runtime_deserializer_table[id] = deserializer # Currently UserDeserializer in python does not support composability import _cntk_py d = { 'type' : id, 'module': _cntk_py.__file__, 'composable': 'false' } return cntk.utils._py_dict_to_cntk_dict(d) def __init__(self, deserializers, max_samples = INFINITELY_REPEAT, max_sweeps = INFINITELY_REPEAT, randomization_window_in_chunks = DEFAULT_RANDOMIZATION_WINDOW_IN_CHUNKS, randomization_window_in_samples = 0, randomization_seed=0, trace_level = TraceLevel.Warning, multithreaded_deserializer=None, frame_mode=False, truncation_length=0, randomize=True, max_errors=0): if not isinstance(deserializers, (list,tuple)): deserializers = [ deserializers ] user_deserializers = [d for d in deserializers if isinstance(d, UserDeserializer)] deserializers = [d if not isinstance(d, UserDeserializer) else MinibatchSource._get_config(d) for d in deserializers] if len(user_deserializers) >= 1 and len(deserializers) != 1: raise ValueError('Currently composition for user defined deserializers is not supported.') config = cntk_py.MinibatchSourceConfig(deserializers) config.max_samples = max_samples config.max_sweeps = max_sweeps config.randomization_window_in_chunks = randomization_window_in_chunks config.randomization_window_in_samples = randomization_window_in_samples config.randomization_seed = randomization_seed; if multithreaded_deserializer is not None: config.is_multithreaded.set(multithreaded_deserializer) config.is_frame_mode_enabled = frame_mode config.truncation_length = truncation_length if isinstance(trace_level, TraceLevel): trace_level = trace_level.value config.trace_level = trace_level config.max_errors = max_errors if not randomize: config.randomization_window_in_chunks = 0 config.randomization_window_in_samples = 0 source = cntk_py.create_composite_minibatch_source(config) # transplant into this class instance self.__dict__ = source.__dict__ self._streams = None self._last_mb_data = None
[docs] def stream_infos(self): ''' Describes the streams this minibatch source produces. Returns: A list of instances of :class:`StreamInformation` ''' return super(MinibatchSource, self).stream_infos()
@property def streams(self): ''' Describes the streams 'this' minibatch source produces. Returns: A `dict` mapping input names to instances of :class:`StreamInformation` ''' if self._streams is None: self._streams = Record(**dict((info.m_name, info) for info in self.stream_infos())) return self._streams
[docs] def stream_info(self, name): ''' Gets the description of the stream with given name. Throws an exception if there are none or multiple streams with this same name. Args: name (str): stream name to fetch Returns: :class:`StreamInformation` The information for the given stream name. ''' return super(MinibatchSource, self).stream_info(name)
def __getitem__(self, name): ''' Return the :class:`StreamInformation` for the given stream name. Args: name (str): stream name to fetch :class:`StreamInformation` for ''' return self.stream_info(name) @typemap
[docs] def next_minibatch(self, minibatch_size_in_samples, input_map=None, device=None, num_data_partitions=None, partition_index=None): ''' Reads a minibatch that contains data for all input streams. The minibatch size is specified in terms of #samples and/or #sequences for the primary input stream; value of 0 for #samples/#sequences means unspecified. In case the size is specified in terms of both #sequences and #samples, the smaller of the 2 is taken. An empty map is returned when the MinibatchSource has no more data to return. Args: minibatch_size_in_samples (int): number of samples to retrieve for the next minibatch. Must be > 0. **Important:** Click :cntkwiki:`here <BrainScript-minibatchSize-and-Python-minibatch_size_in_samples-in-CNTK>` for a full description of this parameter. input_map (dict): mapping of :class:`~cntk.variables.Variable` to :class:`StreamInformation` which will be used to convert the returned data. device (`DeviceDescriptor`, defaults to `None`): CNTK DeviceDescriptor num_data_partitions: Used for distributed training, indicates into how many partitions the source should split the data. partition_index (`int`, defaults to `None`): Used for distributed training, indicates data from which partition to take. Returns: A mapping of :class:`StreamInformation` to :class:`MinibatchData` if `input_map` was not specified. Otherwise, the returned value will be a mapping of :class:`~cntk.variables.Variable` to class:`MinibatchData`. When the maximum number of epochs/samples is exhausted, the return value is an empty dict. ''' if self._last_mb_data is not None: self._last_mb_data.clear() if device is None: device = use_default_device() if num_data_partitions is None: num_data_partitions = 1 if partition_index is None: partition_index = 0 parent_inst = super(MinibatchSource, self) mb = parent_inst.get_next_minibatch(0, minibatch_size_in_samples, num_data_partitions, partition_index, device) if not mb: return mb if not input_map: return mb # We copy minibatch data here, # we need to make sure it is cleaned when next_minibatch # is called next time. self._last_mb_data = {key: mb[value] for (key, value) in input_map.items()} return self._last_mb_data
[docs] def get_checkpoint_state(self): ''' Gets the checkpoint state of the MinibatchSource. Returns: A dict that has the checkpoint state of the MinibatchSource ''' return super(MinibatchSource, self).get_checkpoint_state()
[docs] def restore_from_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): ''' Restores the MinibatchSource state from the specified checkpoint. Args: checkpoint (dict): checkpoint to restore from ''' super(MinibatchSource, self).restore_from_checkpoint(_py_dict_to_cntk_dict(checkpoint))
@property def current_position(self): ''' Gets current position in the minibatch source. Args: getter (:class:`~cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary`): minibatch position on the global timeline. setter (:class:`~cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary`): position returned by the getter ''' return self.get_checkpoint_state() @current_position.setter def current_position(self, position): self.restore_from_checkpoint(position)
[docs]class StreamInformation(cntk_py.StreamInformation): ''' Stream information container that is used to describe streams when implementing custom minibatch source through :class:`UserMinibatchSource`. Args: name (str): name of the stream stream_id (int): unique ID of the stream storage_format (str): 'dense' or 'sparse' dtype (NumPy type): data type shape (tuple): shape of the elements defines_mb_size (bool, default to False): whether this stream defines the minibatch size when there are multiple streams. ''' _storage = {'dense': cntk_py.StorageFormat_Dense, 'sparse': cntk_py.StorageFormat_SparseCSC} def __init__(self, name, stream_id, storage_format, dtype, shape, defines_mb_size=False): super(StreamInformation, self).__init__() self.m_name = name self.m_id = stream_id self.m_storage_format = StreamInformation._storage[storage_format] self.m_element_type = sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype) # raw NDShape is column based, so we need to reverse dimensions. self.m_sample_layout = cntk_py.NDShape(list(reversed(shape))) self.sample_shape = shape self.storage_format = storage_format self.m_defines_mb_size = defines_mb_size @property def name(self): return self.m_name
[docs]class UserMinibatchSource(cntk_py.SwigMinibatchSource): ''' Base class of all user minibatch sources. ''' def __init__(self): super(UserMinibatchSource, self).__init__() streams = {si.m_name: si for si in self.stream_infos()} self.streams = Record(**streams)
[docs] def stream_infos(self): ''' Function to be implemented by the user. Returns: list of :class:`StreamInformation` instances ''' raise NotImplementedError
def _stream_infos(self, sinfos=None): # sinfos is a list of stream information, which we need to fill in # place, # because Swig demands it that way. sinfos.extend(self.stream_infos())
[docs] def stream_info(self, name): ''' Gets the description of the stream with given name. Throws an exception if there are none or multiple streams with this same name. ''' return super(UserMinibatchSource, self).stream_info(name)
[docs] def next_minibatch(self, num_samples, number_of_workers, worker_rank, device=None): ''' Function to be implemented by the user. Args: num_samples (int): number of samples to return number_of_workers (int): number of workers in total worker_rank (int): worker for which the data is to be returned device (`DeviceDescriptor`, defaults to `None`): the device descriptor that contains the type and id of the device on which the computation is performed. If `None`, the default device is used. Returns: mapping of :class:`StreamInformation` to :class:`MinibatchData` ''' raise NotImplementedError
def _next_minibatch(self, info_map, mb_size_in_sequences, mb_size_in_samples, number_of_workers, worker_rank, device): # mbsize_in_sequences is ignored mb = self.next_minibatch(mb_size_in_samples, number_of_workers, worker_rank, device) info_map.update(mb) def _get_checkpoint_state(self): state = self.get_checkpoint_state() d = cntk_py.Dictionary() for key, val in state.items(): if not is_string(key): raise ValueError('the keys of the checkpoint dictionary must ' 'be strings. You gave "%s" of type %s' % (key, type(key))) dv = cntk_py.DictionaryValue(val) d.add(key, dv) return d
[docs] def get_checkpoint_state(self): ''' Returns a dictionary describing the current state of the minibatch source. Needs to be overwritten if the state of the minibatch source needs to be stored to and later restored from the checkpoint. Returns: dictionary, that can be later used on :meth:`restore_from_checkpoint`. ''' return {}
[docs] def restore_from_checkpoint(self, state): ''' Sets the state of the checkpoint. Args: state (dict): dictionary containing the state ''' if state: raise NotImplementedError('in order to use checkpointing on ' 'UserMinibatchSource, you need to implement ' 'restore_from_checkpoint(checkpoint)')
def __getitem__(self, name): ''' Return the :class:`StreamInformation` for the given stream name. Args: name (str): stream name to fetch :class:`StreamInformation` for ''' return self.stream_info(name)
[docs] def is_infinite(self): ''' Should return true if the user has not specified any limit on the number of sweeps and samples. ''' return False
[docs]class MinibatchSourceFromData(UserMinibatchSource): ''' This wraps in-memory data as a CNTK MinibatchSource object (aka "reader"), used to feed the data into a TrainingSession. Use this if your data is small enough to be loaded into RAM in its entirety, and the data is already sufficiently randomized. While CNTK allows user code to iterate through minibatches by itself and feed data minibatch by minibatch through :func:`~cntk.train.trainer.Trainer.train_minibatch`, the standard way is to iterate through data using a MinibatchSource object. For example, the high-level :class:`~cntk.train.training_session.TrainingSession` interface, which manages a full training including checkpointing and cross validation, operates on this level. A MinibatchSource created as a `MinibatchSourceFromData` linearly iterates through the data provided by the caller as numpy arrays or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix objects, without randomization. The data is not copied, so if you want to modify the data while being read through a `MinibatchSourceFromData`, please pass a copy. Example: >>> N = 5 >>> X = np.arange(3*N).reshape(N,3).astype(np.float32) # 6 rows of 3 values >>> s =, max_samples=len(X)) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) # get a minibatch of 3 >>> d = mb[s.streams['x']] >>> array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 3., 4., 5.], [ 6., 7., 8.]], dtype=float32) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) # note: only 2 left >>> d = mb[s.streams['x']] >>> array([[ 9., 10., 11.], [ 12., 13., 14.]], dtype=float32) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) >>> mb {} >>> # example of a sparse input >>> Y = np.array([i % 3 == 0 for i in range(N)], np.float32) >>> import scipy.sparse >>> Y = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(N,np.float32), (range(N), Y)), shape=(N, 2)) >>> s =, y=Y)) # also not setting max_samples -> will repeat >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) >>> d = mb[s.streams['y']] >>> matrix([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 0.], [ 1., 0.]], dtype=float32) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) # at end only 2 sequences >>> d = mb[s.streams['y']] >>> matrix([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 0.]], dtype=float32) >>> # if we do not set max_samples, then it will start over once the end is hit >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) >>> d = mb[s.streams['y']] >>> matrix([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 0.], [ 1., 0.]], dtype=float32) >>> # values can also be GPU-side CNTK Value objects (if everything fits into the GPU at once) >>> s =, y=C.Value(Y))) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) >>> d = mb[s.streams['y']] >>> matrix([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 0.], [ 1., 0.]], dtype=float32) >>> # data can be sequences >>> import cntk.layers.typing >>> XX = [np.array([1,3,2], np.float32),np.array([4,1], np.float32)] # 2 sequences >>> YY = [scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.array([[0,1],[1,0],[1,0]], np.float32)), scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.array([[1,0],[1,0]], np.float32))] >>> s =, cntk.layers.typing.Sequence[cntk.layers.typing.tensor]), yy=(YY, cntk.layers.typing.Sequence[cntk.layers.typing.tensor]))) >>> mb = s.next_minibatch(3) >>> mb[s.streams['xx']].data.asarray() array([[ 1., 3., 2.]], dtype=float32) >>> mb[s.streams['yy']].data.shape # getting sequences out is messy, so we only show the shape (1, 3, 2) Args: data_streams: name-value pairs max_samples (`int`, defaults to :const:``): The maximum number of samples the reader can produce. If inputs are sequences, and the different streams have different lengths, then each sequence counts with the maximum length. After this number has been reached, the reader returns empty minibatches on subsequent calls to :meth:`next_minibatch`. **Important:** Click :cntkwiki:`here <BrainScript-epochSize-and-Python-epoch_size-in-CNTK>` for a description of input and label samples. Returns: An implementation of a :class:`` that will iterate through the data. ''' def __init__(self, data_streams, max_samples = INFINITELY_REPEAT): from cntk import Variable if not data_streams: raise(ValueError('at least one stream must be specified, in the form name=data or name=(data, type)')) self._data = dict() # [name] -> numpy.array or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix self._types = dict() # [name] -> Variable._Type self._is_sequence = dict() # [name] -> bool self._vars = dict() # [name] -> Variable self._max_samples = max_samples # get the data and types from the input, and form streams array self._num_samples = -1 # total number of samples --must be the same for all args from scipy import sparse for name, arg in data_streams.items(): if isinstance(arg, tuple): value, type = arg type = Variable._Type._sanitize(type) dynamic_axes = getattr(type, 'dynamic_axes', None) is_sequence = dynamic_axes and len(dynamic_axes) > 1 if not isinstance(type, Variable._Type): raise ValueError('type must be a CNTK variable type, e.g. Tensor[13]') else: value = arg is_sequence = False # data without type cannot have a dynamic axis type = Variable._Type(is_sparse=isinstance(value, sparse.csr_matrix)) # shape implanted below if not isinstance(value[0] if isinstance(value, list) else value, (np.ndarray, sparse.csr_matrix, Value)): raise TypeError('data must be a numpy.array or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, or a list of those') sample_shape = value[0].shape[1:] if is_sequence else value.shape[1:] if not type.shape_is_known: type = type.updated_with(shape=sample_shape) # implant the shape elif type.shape != sample_shape: ValueError("specified type's shape does not match the data's shape") try: dtype = value.dtype # numpy array and Value except: dtype = value[0].dtype # for lists try: type.dtype except: type = type.updated_with(dtype=dtype) # implant the dtype num_samples = MinibatchSourceFromData._get_len(value) if self._num_samples == -1: if num_samples == 0: raise(ValueError('data is empty')) self._num_samples = num_samples elif self._num_samples != num_samples: raise TypeError('all data items must have the same first dimension') self._data[name] = value self._types[name] = type self._is_sequence[name] = is_sequence self._cursor = 0 # current position self._total_num_samples = 0 # total count; once the limit is reached, we stop returning data super(MinibatchSourceFromData, self).__init__() @staticmethod def _get_len(value): # helper to determine the length of the corpus try: return len(value) # if input is list except: return value.shape[0] # if input is csr_matrix
[docs] def stream_infos(self): return [StreamInformation(name, i, ['dense', 'sparse'][getattr(self._types[name], 'is_sparse', False)], self._types[name].dtype, self._types[name].shape) for i, name in enumerate(self._data.keys())]
[docs] def next_minibatch(self, num_samples, number_of_workers=1, worker_rank=0, device=None): if self._total_num_samples >= self._max_samples: return {} # determine how many samples, starting from self._cursor, will fit into the requested minibatch size of num_samples begin = self._cursor end = self._cursor assert begin < self._num_samples actual_num_samples = { name: 0 for name in self._data.keys() } while end < self._num_samples: new_num_samples = { name: actual_num_samples[name] + (MinibatchSourceFromData._get_len(value[end]) if self._is_sequence[name] else 1) for name, value in self._data.items() } # return up to requested number of samples. but at least one even if longer # also stop if we hit the maximum requested number of samples max_num_samples = max(new_num_samples.values()) if actual_num_samples and (max_num_samples > num_samples or self._total_num_samples + max_num_samples > self._max_samples): break actual_num_samples = new_num_samples end += 1 self._total_num_samples += max(actual_num_samples.values()) # the minibatch data to return result = {} # [stream_info] -> MinibatchData at_end = (end == self._num_samples) for si in self.streams.values(): arg = self._data[] if isinstance(arg, Value): # if entire corpus is one big Value, then slice NDArrayView directly data = sub_shape = data.shape[1:] extent = (end - begin,) + sub_shape start_offset = (begin,) + tuple(0 for _ in sub_shape) if number_of_workers != 1: # slice_view presently does not support strides raise ValueError('distributed reading from Value objects is not supported') mb_data = data.slice_view(start_offset, extent, data.is_read_only) else: # in case of distributed reading, we sub-slice the minibatch #print('rank/worker', worker_rank, number_of_workers, 'reading', slice(begin+worker_rank, end+worker_rank, number_of_workers)) mb_data = arg[begin+worker_rank:end+worker_rank:number_of_workers] if number_of_workers != 1: mb_data = mb_data.copy() # un-stride it, to avoid performance warning if isinstance(mb_data, list): # create a Value object if not in self._vars: # this case is more complex, we need a CNTK Variable from cntk import input_variable, device self._vars[] = input_variable(**self._types[]) value = Value.create(self._vars[], mb_data) else: value = Value(mb_data) result[si] = MinibatchData(value, num_sequences=end - begin, num_samples=actual_num_samples[], sweep_end=at_end or (self._total_num_samples >= self._max_samples)) # wrap around the cursor self._cursor = 0 if at_end else end return result
[docs] def get_checkpoint_state(self): ''' Gets the checkpoint state of the MinibatchSource. Returns: cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary: A :class:`~cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary` that has the checkpoint state of the MinibatchSource ''' return dict(cursor=self._cursor, total_num_samples=self._total_num_samples)
[docs] def restore_from_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): ''' Restores the MinibatchSource state from the specified checkpoint. Args: checkpoint (:class:`~cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary`): checkpoint to restore from ''' self._cursor = checkpoint['cursor'] self._total_num_samples = checkpoint['total_num_samples']
[docs]def HTKFeatureDeserializer(streams): ''' Configures the HTK feature reader that reads speech data from scp files. Args: streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures a feature stream. ''' feat = [] for stream_name, stream in streams.items(): if stream.stream_alias is not None: raise ValueError("HTKFeatureDeserializer does not support stream names") if 'scp' not in stream: raise ValueError("No scp files specified for HTKFeatureDeserializer") dimension = stream.dim scp_file = stream['scp'] broadcast = stream['broadcast'] if 'broadcast' in stream else False defines_mb_size = stream.get('defines_mb_size', False) max_sequence_length = stream.get('max_sequence_length', 65535) left_context, right_context = stream.context if 'context' in stream\ else (0, 0) htk_config = cntk_py.HTKFeatureConfiguration(stream_name, scp_file, dimension, left_context, right_context, broadcast, defines_mb_size, max_sequence_length) feat.append(htk_config) if len(feat) == 0: raise ValueError("no feature streams found") return cntk_py.htk_feature_deserializer(feat)
[docs]def HTKMLFDeserializer(label_mapping_file, streams, phoneBoundaries = False): ''' Configures an HTK label reader that reads speech HTK format MLF (Master Label File) Args: label_mapping_file (str): path to the label mapping file streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures a label stream. phoneBoundaries (`bool`, defaults to False): if phone boundaries should be considered (should be set to True for CTC training, False otherwise) ''' if len(streams) != 1: raise ValueError("HTKMLFDeserializer only accepts a single stream") for stream_name, stream in streams.items(): if stream.stream_alias is not None: raise ValueError("HTKMLFDeserializer does not support stream names") dimension = stream.dim if 'mlf' not in stream: raise ValueError( "No master label files specified for HTKMLFDeserializer") master_label_files = stream['mlf'] if not isinstance(master_label_files, list): master_label_files = [master_label_files] return cntk_py.htk_mlf_deserializer(stream_name, label_mapping_file, dimension, master_label_files, phoneBoundaries)
[docs]def LatticeDeserializer(lattice_index_file, streams): ''' Configures a lattice deserializer Args: lattice_index_file (str): path to the file containing list of lattice TOC (table of content) files ''' if len(streams) != 1: raise ValueError("LatticeDeserializer only accepts a single stream") for stream_name, stream in streams.items(): if stream.stream_alias is not None: raise ValueError("LatticeDeserializer does not support stream alias") return cntk_py.lattice_deserializer(stream_name, lattice_index_file)
def _process_image_deserializer_args(filename, streams, deserializer): image_stream_name = None # Streams with the same name are not allowed, make sure the default is # unique. label_stream_name = '_ignore_labels_' + str(uuid.uuid1()) num_labels = 2 transforms = [] for key in streams: s = streams[key] alias = s.stream_alias if alias == "image": image_stream_name = key transforms = s.transforms elif alias == "label": label_stream_name = key num_labels = s.dim else: raise ValueError( "{}: invalid field name '{}', allowed are " "'image' and 'label'".format(deserializer, alias)) if image_stream_name is None: raise ValueError("{}: stream name ('image' or 'label') must be " "specified".format(deserializer)) return (filename, label_stream_name, num_labels, image_stream_name, transforms)
[docs]def ImageDeserializer(filename, streams): ''' Configures the image reader that reads images and corresponding labels from a file of the form:: <full path to image> <tab> <numerical label (0-based class id)> or:: sequenceId <tab> path <tab> label Args: filename (str): file name of the map file that associates images to classes See also: :cntkwiki:`Image reader definition <BrainScript-Image-reader>` ''' args = _process_image_deserializer_args(filename, streams, 'ImageDeserializer') return cntk_py.image_deserializer(*args)
[docs]def Base64ImageDeserializer(filename, streams): ''' Configures the image reader that reads base64 encoded images and corresponding labels from a file of the form:: [sequenceId <tab>] <numerical label (0-based class id)> <tab> <base64 encoded image> Similarly to the ImageDeserializer, the sequenceId prefix is optional and can be omitted. Args: filename (str): file name of the input file dataset that contains images and corresponding labels See also: :cntkwiki:`Base64ImageDeserializer options <BrainScript-and-Python---Understanding-and-Extending-Readers#base64imagedeserializer-options>` ''' args = _process_image_deserializer_args(filename, streams, 'Base64ImageDeserializer') return cntk_py.base64_image_deserializer(*args)
[docs]def CTFDeserializer(filename, streams): ''' Configures the CNTK text-format reader that reads text-based files with lines of the form:: [Sequence_Id] (Sample)+ where:: Sample=|Input_Name (Value )* Args: filename (str): file name containing the text input streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures an input stream. See also: :cntkwiki:`CNTKTextReader format <BrainScript-CNTKTextFormat-Reader>` ''' for k, s in streams.items(): if s.stream_alias is None: raise ValueError("CTFDeserializer: stream name for key %s must be " "specified" % k) sc = [cntk_py.StreamConfiguration( k, s.dim, s.is_sparse, s.stream_alias, s['defines_mb_size']) for k, s in streams.items()] return cntk_py.ctf_deserializer(filename, sc)
[docs]def CBFDeserializer(filename, streams = {}): ''' Configures the CNTK binary-format deserializer. Args: filename (str): file name containing the binary data streams: any dictionary-like object that contains a mapping from stream names to :class:`StreamDef` objects. Each StreamDef object configures an input stream. See also: :cntkwiki:`CNTKBinaryReader format <BrainScript-CNTKBinary-Reader>` ''' sc = [cntk_py.StreamConfiguration( k, s.dim, s.is_sparse, s.stream_alias) for k, s in streams.items()] return cntk_py.cbf_deserializer(filename, sc)
# TODO: this should be a private class; use StreamDef instead
[docs]class StreamConfiguration(cntk_py.StreamConfiguration): ''' Configuration of a stream in a text format reader. Args: name (str): name of this stream dim (int): dimensions of this stream. A text format reader reads data as flat arrays. If you need different shapes you can :func:`~cntk.ops.reshape` it later. is_sparse (bool, defaults to `False`): whether the provided data is sparse (`False` by default) stream_alias (str, defaults to ''): name of the stream in the file defines_mb_size (`bool`, defaults to False): whether this stream defines the minibatch size. ''' def __init__(self, name, dim, is_sparse=False, stream_alias='', defines_mb_size = False): return super(StreamConfiguration, self).__init__(name, dim, is_sparse, stream_alias, defines_mb_size)
# stream definition for use in StreamDefs # returns a record { stream_alias, is_sparse, optional shape, optional transforms, optional context, optional scp, optional mlf }
[docs]def StreamDef(field=None, shape=None, is_sparse=False, transforms=None, context=None, scp=None, mlf=None, broadcast=None, defines_mb_size=False, max_sequence_length = 65535): ''' Configuration of a stream for use with the builtin Deserializers. The meanings of some configuration keys have a mild dependency on the exact deserializer, and certain keys are meaningless for certain deserializers. Args: field (`str`, defaults to `None`): this is the name of the stream * for CTFDeserializer the name is inside the CTF file * for ImageDeserializer the acceptable names are `image` or `label` * for HTKFeatureDeserializer and HTKMLFDeserializer only the default value of None is acceptable shape (`int` or `tuple`, defaults to `None`): dimensions of this stream. HTKFeatureDeserializer, HTKMLFDeserializer, and CTFDeserializer read data as flat arrays. If you need different shapes you can :func:`~cntk.ops.reshape` it later. is_sparse (`bool`, defaults to `False`): whether the provided data is sparse. `False` by default, unless mlf is provided. transforms (`list`, defaults to `None`): list of transforms to be applied by the Deserializer. Currently only ImageDeserializer supports transforms. context (`tuple`, defaults to `None`): left and right context to consider when reading in HTK data. Only supported by HTKFeatureDeserializer. scp (`str` or `list`, defaults to `None`): scp files for HTK data mlf (`str` or `list`, defaults to `None`): mlf files for HTK data broadcast (`bool`, defaults to `None`): whether the features in this stream should be broadcast to the whole sequence (useful in e.g. ivectors with HTK) defines_mb_size (`bool`, defaults to False): whether this stream defines the minibatch size. max_sequence_length (`int`, defaults to 65535): the upper limit on the length of consumed sequences. Sequence of larger size are skipped. ''' config = dict(stream_alias=field, is_sparse=is_sparse) if shape is not None: config['dim'] = shape if transforms is not None: config['transforms'] = transforms if context is not None: config['context'] = context if scp is not None: config['scp'] = scp if mlf is not None: config['mlf'] = mlf config['is_sparse'] = True if broadcast is not None: config['broadcast'] = broadcast config['defines_mb_size'] = True if defines_mb_size else False config['max_sequence_length'] = max_sequence_length return Record(**config)
# TODO: we should always use 'shape' unless it is always rank-1 or a single rank's dimension # TODO: dim should be inferred from the file, at least for dense # StreamDefs for use in constructing deserializers # StreamDefs(query = StreamDef(...), labels = StreamDef(...), ...) StreamDefs = Record def _dense_to_str(data): return ' '.join(data.ravel(order='C').astype(np.str)) def _sparse_to_str(data): return ' '.join('%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(data.items())) def _is_tensor(data): ''' Checks whether the data is a tensor, i.e. whether it is a NumPy array or a list of NumPy arrays. Args: data: data to check Returns: bool: `True`, if it is a tensor. ''' if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return True if not isinstance(data, list): return False while len(data) > 0: # All but the innermost dimension's values have to be lists try: data[0][0] except: # We reached the innermost dimension try: data[0] + 0 return True except: # Innermost type is not a number return False if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return True if not isinstance(data[0], list): return False data = data[0] return True
[docs]def sequence_to_cntk_text_format(seq_idx, alias_tensor_map): ''' Converts a list of NumPy arrays representing tensors of inputs into a format that is readable by :class:``. Args: seq_idx (int): number of current sequence alias_tensor_map (dict): maps alias (str) to tensor (ndarray). Tensors are assumed to have dynamic axis. Returns: str: String representation in :cntkwiki:`CNTKTextReader format <BrainScript-CNTKTextFormat-Reader>` ''' max_seq_length = max(len(t) for t in alias_tensor_map.values()) if max_seq_length == 0: return '' lines = [] for elem_idx in range(0, max_seq_length): line = [] for alias, tensor in sorted(alias_tensor_map.items()): if elem_idx >= len(tensor): # for this alias there no more sequence elements continue if _is_tensor(tensor): if not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): tensor = np.asarray(tensor) to_str = _dense_to_str elif isinstance(tensor, list) and isinstance(tensor[0], dict): to_str = _sparse_to_str else: raise ValueError( 'expected a tensor (dense) or list of dicts (sparse), but ' 'got "%s"' % type(tensor)) line.append('%s %s' % (alias, to_str(tensor[elem_idx]))) lines.append('%i\t|' % seq_idx + ' |'.join(line)) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]class UserDeserializer(cntk_py.SwigDataDeserializer): ''' User deserializer is a base class for all user defined deserializers. To support deserialization of a custom format, please implement the public methods of this class and pass an instance of it to MinibatchSource. A UserDeserializer is a plug-in to MinibatchSource for reading data in custom formats. Reading data through this mechanism provides the following benefits: * randomization of data too large to fit into RAM, through CNTK chunked paging algorithm * distributed reading - only chunks needed by a particular worker are requested * composability of transforms (currently composability of user deserializers is not yet supported) * transparent support of sequence/frame/truncated BPTT modes * automatic chunk and minibatch prefetch * checkpointing The MinibatchSource uses the information provided by this class to build the timeline and move along it when the next minibatch is requested. The deserializer itself, however, is stateless. ''' def __init__(self): super(UserDeserializer, self).__init__() self.__disown__() self._last_chunk = None
[docs] def stream_infos(self): ''' Should return a list of meta information :class:`StreamInformation` about all streams exposed by the deserializer. Returns: list of :class:`StreamInformation` exposed by the deserializer ''' raise NotImplementedError('should return a list of StreamInformation for all streams')
[docs] def num_chunks(self): ''' Should return the total number of chunks. ''' raise NotImplementedError('should return the total number of chunks.')
[docs] def get_chunk(self, chunk_id): ''' Should return a dictionary of stream name -> data of the chunk, where data is csr_matrix/numpy array in sample mode, or a list of csr_matrix/numpy array in sequence mode. Args: chunk_id(int): id of the chunk to be read, 0 <= chunk_id < num_chunks Returns: dict containing the data ''' raise NotImplementedError('should return data for the chunk.')
def _stream_infos(self, infos=None): inner = self.stream_infos() if len(inner) == 0: raise ValueError('Deserializer must provide at least one stream') infos.extend(inner) streams = {si.m_name: si for si in inner} self.streams = Record(**streams) def _chunk_infos(self, infos=None): total = self.num_chunks() if total == 0: raise ValueError('Deserializer must provide at least one chunk') inner = [] for i in range(total): t = cntk_py.ChunkInfo() t.m_id = i inner.append(t) infos.extend(inner) def _get_chunk(self, chunk_id): # Make sure the python object exists # till the next call, so that the copy in C++ can # take place. self._last_chunk = self.get_chunk(chunk_id=chunk_id) return self._last_chunk;