Source code for cntk.layers.blocks

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
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Basic building blocks that are semantically not layers (not used in a layered fashion),
e.g. the LSTM block.

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from cntk import placeholder, combine, alias
from cntk.variables import Constant, Parameter
from cntk.ops import times, slice, sigmoid, tanh, softplus
#from .typing import Signature
from cntk.internal import _as_tuple
from cntk.initializer import glorot_uniform
from _cntk_py import InferredDimension
from cntk.default_options import get_default_override, default_override_or

from cntk.ops.functions import Function

_INFERRED = (InferredDimension,)  # as a tuple, makes life easier

# call this for all untested branches
[docs]def UntestedBranchError(name): raise NotImplementedError("Untested code branch: " + name)
# create the complete initializer for a given 'init' parameter, to pass to parameter() # This is called from Parameter() and every place that injects rank parameters. # It does a few things: # - maps init_default_override_or_glorot_uniform to default --TODO: we should have a global setting for that # - creates a new initializer object from an existing one, while updating members # TODO: remove default resolution, only make this a conversion; then rename def _initializer_for(init, rank_params=None): if init is None: raise ValueError("init parameter cannot be None") # scalar constant: that's it, nothing further to do here if np.isscalar(init): # BUGBUG: this is sometimes required when dimensions are unknown; shouldn't. from _cntk_py import constant_initializer return constant_initializer(init) #return init # TODO: change to this once this works, e.g. for layers.BatchNormalization() # implant additional rank parameters if rank_params: from cntk.initializer import initializer_with_rank init = initializer_with_rank(init, **rank_params) return init # helper to get the initial_state or the default def _get_initial_state_or_default(initial_state): # if initial_state is a tuple (multiple state vars), then apply this recursively to all if isinstance(initial_state, tuple): return tuple(_get_initial_state_or_default(s) for s in initial_state) # if initial state is given and a numeric constant, then turn it into a Constant() object elif initial_state is None: return Constant(0) # note: don't pass None to past_value, because that would default to float32 --TODO: still the case? elif np.isscalar(initial_state): return Constant(initial_state, shape=(1)) else: return initial_state # already in good shape: return as is from cntk.ops.functions import BlockFunction # (deprecated) def _inject_name(f, name): ''' Call this at the end of any layer or block that takes an optional name argument. ''' if name: if not isinstance(f, Function): f = Function(f) if len(f.outputs) == 1: f = alias(f, name=name) else: f = combine(list(f.outputs), name=name) # BUGBUG: Does this actually name things? return f
[docs]def ForwardDeclaration(name='forward_declaration'): ''' Helper for recurrent network declarations. Returns a placeholder variable with an added method ``resolve_to()`` to be called at the end to close the loop. This is used for explicit graph building with recurrent connections. Example: >>> # create a graph with a recurrent loop to compute the length of an input sequence >>> from cntk.layers.typing import * >>> x = C.input_variable(**Sequence[Tensor[2]]) >>> ones_like_input = C.sequence.broadcast_as(1, x) # sequence of scalar ones of same length as input >>> out_fwd = ForwardDeclaration() # placeholder for the state variables >>> out = C.sequence.past_value(out_fwd, initial_state=0) + ones_like_input >>> out_fwd.resolve_to(out) >>> length = C.sequence.last(out) >>> x0 = np.reshape(np.arange(6,dtype=np.float32),(1,3,2)) >>> x0 array([[[ 0., 1.], [ 2., 3.], [ 4., 5.]]], dtype=float32) >>> length(x0) array([ 3.], dtype=float32) Returns: :class:`~cntk.variables.Variable`: a placeholder variable with a method ``resolve_to()`` that resolves it to another variable ''' var_fwd = placeholder(name=name) def resolve_to(var): #from cntk import cntk_py #if isinstance(var, cntk_py.Function): # var.replace_placeholders({var_fwd: var.output}) # resolves var_fwd := var #else: # TODO: ^^ should no longer be needed; delete once confirmed var.owner.replace_placeholders({var_fwd: var}) # resolves var_fwd := var var_fwd.resolve_to = resolve_to return var_fwd
@Function def identity(keep): ''' identity() Identity function. This is useful to pass to layers that accept, e.g., a non-linearity, but you wish to have none. Example: >>> linear_layer = Dense(500, activation=identity) ''' # Note: We cannot use alias() here since parameter-shape inference cannot be done through alias(). return combine([keep])
[docs]def Stabilizer(steepness=4, enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(True), name=''): ''' Stabilizer(steepness=4, enable_self_stabilization=True, name='') Layer factory function to create a `Droppo self-stabilizer <>`_. It multiplies its input with a scalar that is learned. This takes `enable_self_stabilization` as a flag that allows to disable itself. Useful if this is a global default. Note: Some other layers (specifically, recurrent units like :func:`~cntk.layers.blocks.LSTM`) also have the option to use the ``Stabilizer()`` layer internally. That is enabled by passing `enable_self_stabilization=True` to those layers. In conjunction with those, the rule is that an explicit ``Stabilizer()`` must be inserted by the user for the main data input, whereas the recurrent layer will own the stabilizer(s) for the internal recurrent connection(s). Note: Unlike the original paper, which proposed a linear or exponential scalar, CNTK uses a sharpened Softplus: 1/steepness ln(1+e^{steepness*beta}). The softplus behaves linear for weights around and above 1 (like the linear scalar) while guaranteeing positiveness (like the exponentional variant) but is also more robust by avoiding exploding gradients. Example: >>> # recurrent model with self-stabilization >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> with default_options(enable_self_stabilization=True): # enable stabilizers by default for LSTM() ... model = Sequential([ ... Embedding(300), ... Stabilizer(), # stabilizer for main data input of recurrence ... Recurrence(LSTM(512)), # LSTM owns its own stabilizers for the recurrent connections ... Stabilizer(), ... Dense(10) ... ]) Args: steepness (`int`, defaults to 4): enable_self_stabilization (bool, defaults to `False`): a flag that allows to disable itself. Useful if this is a global default name (str, defaults to ''): the name of the Function instance in the network Returns: :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: A function ''' enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(Stabilizer, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) if not enable_self_stabilization: # disabled (typically through global option; otherwise one would not call this in the first place) return identity # parameters bound to this Function init_param = np.log(np.exp(steepness) -1) / steepness # initialize so that factor is initially 1 (has no effect) param = Parameter((), init=init_param, name='alpha') beta = softplus(param, steepness=steepness) # expression @BlockFunction('Stabilizer', name) def stabilize(x): return beta * x return stabilize
def _RecurrentBlock(type, shape, cell_shape, activation, use_peepholes, init, init_bias, enable_self_stabilization, name=''): ''' Helper to create a recurrent block of type 'LSTM', 'GRU', or RNNStep. ''' has_projection = cell_shape is not None shape = _as_tuple(shape) cell_shape = _as_tuple(cell_shape) if cell_shape is not None else shape if len(shape) != 1 or len(cell_shape) != 1: raise ValueError("%s: shape and cell_shape must be vectors (rank-1 tensors)" % type) # otherwise we'd need to fix slicing and Param initializers stack_axis = -1 # for efficient computation, we stack multiple variables (along the fastest-changing one, to match BS) # determine stacking dimensions cell_shape_list = list(cell_shape) stacked_dim = cell_shape_list[stack_axis] cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim * { 'RNNStep': 1, 'GRU': 3, 'LSTM': 4 }[type] cell_shape_stacked = tuple(cell_shape_list) # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim * { 'RNNStep': 1, 'GRU': 2, 'LSTM': 4 }[type] cell_shape_stacked_H = tuple(cell_shape_list) # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times # parameters b = Parameter( cell_shape_stacked, init=init_bias, name='b') # bias W = Parameter(_INFERRED + cell_shape_stacked, init=init, name='W') # input H = Parameter(shape + cell_shape_stacked_H, init=init, name='H') # hidden-to-hidden H1 = Parameter(shape + cell_shape, init=init, name='H1') if type == 'GRU' else None # hidden-to-hidden Ci = Parameter( cell_shape, init=init, name='Ci') if use_peepholes else None # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise} Cf = Parameter( cell_shape, init=init, name='Cf') if use_peepholes else None # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise} Co = Parameter( cell_shape, init=init, name='Co') if use_peepholes else None # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise} Wmr = Parameter(cell_shape + shape, init=init, name='P') if has_projection else None # final projection # each use of a stabilizer layer must get its own instance Sdh = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='dh_stabilizer') Sdc = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='dc_stabilizer') Sct = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='c_stabilizer') Sht = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='P_stabilizer') # define the model function itself # general interface for Recurrence(): # (all previous outputs delayed, input) --> (outputs and state) # where # - the first output is the main output, e.g. 'h' for LSTM # - the remaining outputs, if any, are additional state # - if for some reason output != state, then output is still fed back and should just be ignored by the recurrent block # LSTM model function # in this case: # (dh, dc, x) --> (h, c) def lstm(dh, dc, x): dhs = Sdh(dh) # previous values, stabilized dcs = Sdc(dc) # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias proj4 = b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H) it_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim) # split along stack_axis bit_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim) ft_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 2*stacked_dim, 3*stacked_dim) ot_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 3*stacked_dim, 4*stacked_dim) # helper to inject peephole connection if requested def peep(x, c, C): return x + C * c if use_peepholes else x it = sigmoid (peep (it_proj, dcs, Ci)) # input gate(t) # TODO: should both activations be replaced? bit = it * activation (bit_proj) # applied to tanh of input network ft = sigmoid (peep (ft_proj, dcs, Cf)) # forget-me-not gate(t) bft = ft * dc # applied to cell(t-1) ct = bft + bit # c(t) is sum of both ot = sigmoid (peep (ot_proj, Sct(ct), Co)) # output gate(t) ht = ot * activation (ct) # applied to tanh(cell(t)) c = ct # cell value h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \ ht # returns the new state as a tuple with names but order matters #return (Function.NamedOutput(h=h), Function.NamedOutput(c=c)) return (h, c) # GRU model function # in this case: # (dh, x) --> (h) # e.g. def gru(dh, x): dhs = Sdh(dh) # previous value, stabilized # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias projx3 = b + times(x, W) projh2 = times(dhs, H) zt_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim) + slice (projh2, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim) rt_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim) + slice (projh2, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim) ct_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 2*stacked_dim, 3*stacked_dim) zt = sigmoid (zt_proj) # update gate z(t) rt = sigmoid (rt_proj) # reset gate r(t) rs = dhs * rt # "cell" c ct = activation (ct_proj + times(rs, H1)) ht = (1 - zt) * ct + zt * dhs # hidden state ht / output # for comparison: CUDNN_GRU # i(t) = sigmoid(W_i x(t) + R_i h(t-1) + b_Wi + b_Ru) # r(t) = sigmoid(W_r x(t) + R_r h(t-1) + b_Wr + b_Rr) --same up to here # h'(t) = tanh(W_h x(t) + r(t) .* (R_h h(t-1)) + b_Wh + b_Rh) --r applied after projection? Would make life easier! # h(t) = (1 - i(t) .* h'(t)) + i(t) .* h(t-1) --TODO: need to confirm bracketing with NVIDIA h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \ ht # returns the new state as a tuple with names but order matters #return Function.NamedOutput(h=h) return h def rnn_step(dh, x): dhs = Sdh(dh) # previous value, stabilized ht = activation (times(x, W) + times(dhs, H) + b) h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \ ht #return Function.NamedOutput(h=h) return h function = { 'RNNStep': rnn_step, 'GRU': gru, 'LSTM': lstm }[type] # return the corresponding lambda as a CNTK Function return BlockFunction(type, name)(function)
[docs]def LSTM(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=default_override_or(tanh), use_peepholes=default_override_or(False), init=default_override_or(glorot_uniform()), init_bias=default_override_or(0), enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(False), name=''): ''' LSTM(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=tanh, use_peepholes=False, init=glorot_uniform(), init_bias=0, enable_self_stabilization=False, name='') Layer factory function to create an LSTM block for use inside a recurrence. The LSTM block implements one step of the recurrence and is stateless. It accepts the previous state as its first two arguments, and outputs its new state as a two-valued tuple ``(h,c)``. Example: >>> # a typical recurrent LSTM layer >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> lstm_layer = Recurrence(LSTM(500)) Args: shape (`int` or `tuple` of `ints`): vector or tensor dimension of the output of this layer cell_shape (tuple, defaults to `None`): if given, then the output state is first computed at `cell_shape` and linearly projected to `shape` activation (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`, defaults to :func:`~cntk.ops.tanh`): function to apply at the end, e.g. `relu` use_peepholes (bool, defaults to `False`): init (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to `glorot_uniform`): initial value of weights `W` init_bias (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to 0): initial value of weights `b` enable_self_stabilization (bool, defaults to `False`): if `True` then add a :func:`~cntk.layers.blocks.Stabilizer` to all state-related projections (but not the data input) name (str, defaults to ''): the name of the Function instance in the network Returns: :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: A function ``(prev_h, prev_c, input) -> (h, c)`` that implements one step of a recurrent LSTM layer. ''' activation = get_default_override(LSTM, activation=activation) use_peepholes = get_default_override(LSTM, use_peepholes=use_peepholes) init = get_default_override(LSTM, init=init) init_bias = get_default_override(LSTM, init_bias=init_bias) enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(LSTM, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) return _RecurrentBlock('LSTM', shape, cell_shape, activation=activation, use_peepholes=use_peepholes, init=init, init_bias=init_bias, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name=name)
[docs]def RNNStep(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=default_override_or(sigmoid), init=default_override_or(glorot_uniform()), init_bias=default_override_or(0), enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(False), name=''): ''' RNNStep(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=sigmoid, init=glorot_uniform(), init_bias=0, enable_self_stabilization=False, name='') Layer factory function to create a plain RNN block for use inside a recurrence. The RNN block implements one step of the recurrence and is stateless. It accepts the previous state as its first argument, and outputs its new state. Example: >>> # a plain relu RNN layer >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> relu_rnn_layer = Recurrence(RNNStep(500, activation=C.relu)) Args: shape (`int` or `tuple` of `ints`): vector or tensor dimension of the output of this layer cell_shape (tuple, defaults to `None`): if given, then the output state is first computed at `cell_shape` and linearly projected to `shape` activation (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`, defaults to signmoid): function to apply at the end, e.g. `relu` init (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to `glorot_uniform`): initial value of weights `W` init_bias (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to 0): initial value of weights `b` enable_self_stabilization (bool, defaults to `False`): if `True` then add a :func:`~cntk.layers.blocks.Stabilizer` to all state-related projections (but not the data input) name (str, defaults to ''): the name of the Function instance in the network Returns: :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: A function ``(prev_h, input) -> h`` where ``h = activation(input @ W + prev_h @ R + b)`` ''' activation = get_default_override(RNNStep, activation=activation) init = get_default_override(RNNStep, init=init) init_bias = get_default_override(RNNStep, init_bias=init_bias) enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(RNNStep, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) return _RecurrentBlock('RNNStep', shape, cell_shape, activation=activation, use_peepholes=False, init=init, init_bias=init_bias, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name=name)
# Old name of this, deprecated
[docs]def RNNUnit(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=default_override_or(sigmoid), init=default_override_or(glorot_uniform()), init_bias=default_override_or(0), enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(False), name=''): ''' RNNUnit(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=sigmoid, init=glorot_uniform(), init_bias=0, enable_self_stabilization=False, name='') This is a deprecated name for :func:`~cntk.layers.blocks.RNNStep`. Use that name instead. ''' activation = get_default_override(RNNUnit, activation=activation) init = get_default_override(RNNUnit, init=init) init_bias = get_default_override(RNNUnit, init_bias=init_bias) enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(RNNUnit, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) warnings.warn('This name will be removed in future versions. Please use ' 'RNNStep(...) instead, which is identical except for its name', DeprecationWarning) return _RecurrentBlock('RNNStep', shape, cell_shape, activation=activation, use_peepholes=False, init=init, init_bias=init_bias, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name=name)
[docs]def GRU(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=default_override_or(tanh), init=default_override_or(glorot_uniform()), init_bias=default_override_or(0), enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(False), name=''): ''' GRU(shape, cell_shape=None, activation=tanh, init=glorot_uniform(), init_bias=0, enable_self_stabilization=False, name='') Layer factory function to create a GRU block for use inside a recurrence. The GRU block implements one step of the recurrence and is stateless. It accepts the previous state as its first argument, and outputs its new state. Example: >>> # a gated recurrent layer >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> gru_layer = Recurrence(GRU(500)) Args: shape (`int` or `tuple` of `ints`): vector or tensor dimension of the output of this layer cell_shape (tuple, defaults to `None`): if given, then the output state is first computed at `cell_shape` and linearly projected to `shape` activation (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`, defaults to :func:`~cntk.ops.tanh`): function to apply at the end, e.g. `relu` init (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to `glorot_uniform`): initial value of weights `W` init_bias (scalar or NumPy array or :mod:`cntk.initializer`, defaults to 0): initial value of weights `b` enable_self_stabilization (bool, defaults to `False`): if `True` then add a :func:`~cntk.layers.blocks.Stabilizer` to all state-related projections (but not the data input) name (str, defaults to ''): the name of the Function instance in the network Returns: :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: A function ``(prev_h, input) -> h`` that implements one step of a recurrent GRU layer. ''' activation = get_default_override(GRU, activation=activation) init = get_default_override(GRU, init=init) init_bias = get_default_override(GRU, init_bias=init_bias) enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(GRU, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) return _RecurrentBlock('GRU', shape, cell_shape, activation=activation, use_peepholes=False, init=init, init_bias=init_bias, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name=name)