Source code for cntk.layers.higher_order_layers

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
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Higher-order functions, like :func:`Sequential` and :func:`ResNetBlock`. Note that
sequential higher-order functions like :func:`~cntk.layers.sequence.Recurrence` are in :mod:`cntk.layers.sequence`.

from types import FunctionType
from inspect import getargspec

from .blocks import _inject_name, identity

# TODO: should we have a parameter to specify the arity of the input?
#       Can it be automatically determined? (yes, unless the first function is a tuple, then we don't know whether to broadcast or not)
[docs]def Sequential(layers, name=''): ''' Sequential(layers, name='') Layer factory function to create a composite that applies a sequence of layers (or any functions) onto an input. ``Sequential ([F, G, H])(x)`` means the same as ``H(G(F(x)))``. The list of functions may also include tuples of functions. In that case, each function in a tuple is applied to the input, and the result is a tuple containing the results of these function applications. If followed by another function (typ. ``plus`` or ``splice``), the tuple items form the arguments to that function. Intermediate values in the chain can be accessed by name by inserting a ``Label(name=...)`` layer. Note: An equivalent way of writing ``Sequential ([F, G, H])(x)`` is ``F >> G >> H``. Example: >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> # sequence classifier. Maps a one-hot word sequence to a scalar probability value. >>> # The recurrence is a Fold(), meaning only the final hidden state is produced. >>> # The Label() layer allows to access the final hidden layer by name. >>> model = Sequential([Embedding(300), Fold(LSTM(500)), Label('hidden'), Dense(1, activation=sigmoid)]) >>> model.update_signature(Sequence[Tensor[30000]]) >>> model.hidden.shape (500,) >>> # simple example that squares an input value >>> f = Sequential([C.log, lambda x: 2 * x, C.exp]) # the second function is a Python lambda >>> f.update_signature(1) >>> f([np.array([2])]) # log, times 2, exp is the same as computing the square array([[ 4.]], dtype=float32) >>> # using function tuples to implement a bidirectional LSTM >>> bi_lstm = Sequential([(Recurrence(LSTM(250)), # first tuple entry: forward pass ... Recurrence(LSTM(250), go_backwards=True)), # second: backward pass ... splice]) # splice both on top of each other >>> # using function tuple to implement a ResNet block >>> # The function tuple applies all items to the input, and emits a tuple with the results >>> # that then act as the arguments to the next one. >>> # Here we say (Convolution(), identity), which generates two arguments to the next function, >>> # the first being the convolution, the second being the input passed through. >>> # Following that with plus() implements the ResNet formula. >>> from cntk.ops import plus, relu >>> resnet_layer = Sequential([(Convolution((3,3), 64, activation=None), # first tuple entry ... identity), # second tuple entry is a pass-through ... plus, # this sums both ... relu]) # activation applied afterwards >>> # simple function-tuples example with values >>> f = Sequential([(lambda x: x * x, identity), splice]) # computes tuple (x^2, x) and splices both values >>> f.update_signature(1) >>> f([np.array([2])]) array([[ 4., 2.]], dtype=float32) Args: layers (list of :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`, equivalent Python functions, tuples of functions, or lists thereof): the list of functions to apply in sequence. A tuple aplies each of its items to the input and results in a tuple value. An item that is a list will be flattened. Returns: cntk.ops.functions.Function: A function that accepts one argument and applies the given ``functions`` one after another. ''' if not isinstance(layers, list): # to support nested lists, run every item recursively through Sequential() # TODO: Is this confusing w.r.t. tuple which is parallel and list which is sequential? return layers from functools import reduce layers = [Sequential(layer) for layer in layers] # expand all layers recursively composed_function = reduce(lambda f, g: f >> g, layers, identity) return _inject_name(composed_function, name)
[docs]def For(what_range, constructor, name=''): ''' For(what_range, constructor, name='') Layer factory function to create a composite through a pattern similar to Python's `for` statement. This layer factory loops over the given range and passes each value to the constructor function. It is equivalent to ``Sequential([constructor(i) for i in what_range])``. It is acceptable that ``constructor`` takes no argument. Example: >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> from cntk.ops import relu >>> # stack of 3 Dense relu layers >>> model = For(range(3), lambda: Dense(2000, activation=relu)) >>> # version of the above that has no activation for the last layer >>> model = For(range(3), lambda i: Dense(2000, activation=relu if i < 2 else identity)) >>> # complex example that uses For() inside Sequential() >>> with default_options(activation=relu, pad=True): # default activation is relu ... model = Sequential([ ... For(range(2), lambda : [ ... Convolution2D((3,3), 64), ... Convolution2D((3,3), 64), ... MaxPooling((3,3), strides=2) ... ]), ... Label('ndfeat'), # name this specific value ... For(range(2), lambda i: [ # this passes a nested list to Sequential ... Dense([256,128][i]), # layer index i used to index into an array of parameters ... Dropout(0.5) ... ]), ... Label('hidden'), ... Dense(10, activation=None) # activation parameter overrides default (which was set to relu) ... ]) >>> model.update_signature((3,32,32)) # RGB, 32 x 32 pixels >>> model.ndfeat.shape # shape at top of convo/pooling pyramid (64, 8, 8) >>> model.hidden.shape # shape before classifier (128,) Args: what_range (range): a Python range to loop over constructor (Python function/lambda with 1 or 0 arguments): lambda that constructs a layer Returns: cntk.ops.functions.Function: A function that accepts one argument and applies the layers as constructed by ``constructor`` one after another. ''' # Python 2.7 support requires us to use getargspec() instead of inspect takes_arg = len(getargspec(constructor).args) > 0 # For Python 3, check if it is a python function/lambda if type(constructor) != FunctionType or not callable(constructor): raise ValueError("constructor must be a Python function/lambda") # helper to call the layer constructor def call(i): if takes_arg: return constructor(i) # takes an arg: pass it else: return constructor() # takes no arg: call without, that's fine too layers = [call(i) for i in what_range] sequential = Sequential(layers) return _inject_name(sequential, name)
[docs]def SequentialClique(functions, name=''): ''' SequentialClique(functions, name='') Layer factory function to create a composite that applies a sequence of functions onto an input, with skip connections between all function. I.e. each function receives a sum of the input and all prior functions' outputs. Example: >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> from cntk.ops import abs, sqrt, square >>> x = C.input_variable(2) >>> seq_clique = SequentialClique([abs, sqrt, square]) >>> seq_clique(x).eval(np.array([2, 8], np.float32)) # 400 = square((8 + abs(8)) + sqrt(8 + abs(8))) array([[ 36., 400.]], dtype=float32) Args: functions (single or list of :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): functions to be applied. Returns: cntk.ops.functions.Function: A function that accepts one argument and applies the sequence of functions. ''' def clique(x): for f in functions: out = f(x) # BUGBUG: this should be a splice(), and it should be along depth. # Interface to be finalized. x = x + out return out clique = _inject_name(clique, name) return clique
# TODO: consider potential name clash; users might want to call their functions the same.
[docs]def ResNetBlock(f, name=''): ''' ResNetBlock(f, name='') Layer factory function to create a composite that adds a skip connection to a function. This is equivalent to ``Sequential((f, identity), plus)``. Example: >>> # a ResNet layer >>> from cntk.layers import * >>> from cntk.ops import relu >>> resnet_layer = Sequential([ResNetBlock(Convolution((3,3), 64, activation=None)), relu]) Args: f (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or equivalent Python function): the function to add the skip connection to. Returns: cntk.ops.functions.Function: A function that accepts one argument, applies ``f`` to it, and adds the original argument. ''' def skip(x): return f(x) + x skip = _inject_name(skip, name) return skip