Source code for cntk.layers.models.attention

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
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Standard attention model.

from __future__ import division
import cntk as C
from cntk.ops.functions import Function
from cntk.default_options import default_options, get_default_override, default_override_or
from cntk.initializer import glorot_uniform
from ..layers import Dense, Label
from ..blocks import Stabilizer, _inject_name  # helpers
from ..sequence import PastValueWindow
from warnings import warn
#from .. import *

# AttentionModel block
[docs]def AttentionModel(attention_dim, attention_span=None, attention_axis=None, init=default_override_or(glorot_uniform()), go_backwards=default_override_or(False), enable_self_stabilization=default_override_or(True), name=''): ''' AttentionModel(attention_dim, attention_span=None, attention_axis=None, init=glorot_uniform(), go_backwards=False, enable_self_stabilization=True, name='') Layer factory function to create a function object that implements an attention model as described in Bahdanau, et al., "Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate." ''' init = get_default_override(AttentionModel, init=init) go_backwards = get_default_override(AttentionModel, go_backwards=go_backwards) enable_self_stabilization = get_default_override(AttentionModel, enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) compatible_attention_mode = True if attention_span is None: if attention_axis is not None: raise ValueError('attention_span cannot be None when attention_axis is not None') compatible_attention_mode = False elif attention_span <= 0: raise ValueError('attention_span must be a positive value') elif attention_axis is None: raise ValueError('attention_axis cannot be None when attention_span is not None') # model parameters with default_options(bias=False): # all the projections have no bias attn_proj_enc = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) >> Dense(attention_dim, init=init, input_rank=1) # projects input hidden state, keeping span axes intact attn_proj_dec = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) >> Dense(attention_dim, init=init, input_rank=1) # projects decoder hidden state, but keeping span and beam-search axes intact attn_proj_tanh = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) >> Dense(1 , init=init, input_rank=1) # projects tanh output, keeping span and beam-search axes intact attn_final_stab = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization) if compatible_attention_mode: warn('Specifying non-default values for attention_span and attention_axis has been deprecated since version 2.2. ' 'These arguments will be removed in the future.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # old attention function @Function def old_attention(h_enc, h_dec): history_axis = h_dec # we use history_axis wherever we pass this only for the sake of passing its axis # TODO: pull this apart so that we can compute the encoder window only once and apply it to multiple decoders # --- encoder state window (h_enc, h_enc_valid) = PastValueWindow(attention_span, axis=attention_axis, go_backwards=go_backwards)(h_enc).outputs h_enc_proj = attn_proj_enc(h_enc) # window must be broadcast to every decoder time step h_enc_proj = C.sequence.broadcast_as(h_enc_proj, history_axis) h_enc_valid = C.sequence.broadcast_as(h_enc_valid, history_axis) # --- decoder state # project decoder hidden state h_dec_proj = attn_proj_dec(h_dec) tanh_out = C.tanh(h_dec_proj + h_enc_proj) # (attention_span, attention_dim) u = attn_proj_tanh(tanh_out) # (attention_span, 1) u_masked = u + (h_enc_valid - 1) * 50 # logzero-out the unused elements for the softmax denominator TODO: use a less arbitrary number than 50 attention_weights = C.softmax(u_masked, axis=attention_axis) #, name='attention_weights') attention_weights = Label('attention_weights')(attention_weights) # now take weighted sum over the encoder state vectors h_att = C.reduce_sum(C.element_times(C.sequence.broadcast_as(h_enc, history_axis), attention_weights), axis=attention_axis) h_att = attn_final_stab(h_att) return h_att return _inject_name(old_attention, name) else: # new attention function @Function def new_attention(encoder_hidden_state, decoder_hidden_state): # encode_hidden_state: [#, e] [h] # decoder_hidden_state: [#, d] [H] unpacked_encoder_hidden_state, valid_mask = C.sequence.unpack(encoder_hidden_state, padding_value=0).outputs # unpacked_encoder_hidden_state: [#] [*=e, h] # valid_mask: [#] [*=e] projected_encoder_hidden_state = C.sequence.broadcast_as(attn_proj_enc(unpacked_encoder_hidden_state), decoder_hidden_state) # projected_encoder_hidden_state: [#, d] [*=e, attention_dim] broadcast_valid_mask = C.sequence.broadcast_as(C.reshape(valid_mask, (1,), 1), decoder_hidden_state) # broadcast_valid_mask: [#, d] [*=e] projected_decoder_hidden_state = attn_proj_dec(decoder_hidden_state) # projected_decoder_hidden_state: [#, d] [attention_dim] tanh_output = C.tanh(projected_decoder_hidden_state + projected_encoder_hidden_state) # tanh_output: [#, d] [*=e, attention_dim] attention_logits = attn_proj_tanh(tanh_output) # attention_logits = [#, d] [*=e, 1] minus_inf = C.constant(-1e+30) masked_attention_logits = C.element_select(broadcast_valid_mask, attention_logits, minus_inf) # masked_attention_logits = [#, d] [*=e] attention_weights = C.softmax(masked_attention_logits, axis=0) attention_weights = Label('attention_weights')(attention_weights) # attention_weights = [#, d] [*=e] attended_encoder_hidden_state = C.reduce_sum(attention_weights * C.sequence.broadcast_as(unpacked_encoder_hidden_state, attention_weights), axis=0) # attended_encoder_hidden_state = [#, d] [1, h] output = attn_final_stab(C.reshape(attended_encoder_hidden_state, (), 0, 1)) # output = [#, d], [h] return output return _inject_name(new_attention, name)