Source code for cntk.variables

CNTK variables, parameters, constants, and records.

import numpy as np

from . import cntk_py
from .core import NDArrayView
from .device import DeviceDescriptor, use_default_device
from .tensor import TensorOpsMixin
from .default_options import get_default_override, default_override_or
from .internal import typemap, sanitize_precision, sanitize_value, \
        sanitize_shape, sanitize_dtype_cntk, sanitize_dynamic_axes

[docs]class Record(dict): ''' Easy construction of a record (=immutable singleton class) from keyword arguments. Example: >>> r = Record(x = 13, y = 42) >>> r.x 13 Args: kwargs: keyword arguments to turn into the record members Returns: A singleton class instance that has all passed kw args as immutable class members. ''' def __init__(self, **args_dict): super(Record, self).__init__(args_dict) self.__dict__.update(args_dict) def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in self: raise AttributeError("record has no attribute '{}'".format(key)) return self[key] def __setattr__(self, key, value): raise AttributeError('record is immutable')
[docs] def updated_with(self, **kwargs): ''' Create a new Record from an existing one with members modified or added. Example: >>> r = Record(x = 13) >>> r.x 13 >>> r2 = r.updated_with(x = 42) >>> r2.x 42 Args: kwargs: keyword arguments to turn into the record members Returns: A singleton class instance that has all passed kw args as immutable class members. ''' d = dict(**self) # make it mutable d.update(kwargs) # merge the new items return Record(**d) # lock it up again
[docs]class VariableMixin(object): ''' Standard properties for :class:`Variable` and its derived classes :class:`Parameter` and :class:`Constant`. ''' @property @typemap def dynamic_axes(self): ''' The dynamic axes of this variable. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).dynamic_axes() @property def dtype(self): ''' The NumPy type of this variable. ''' return sanitize_precision(self.get_data_type()) @property def is_constant(self): ''' Whether this variable is a constant. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_constant() @property def is_input(self): ''' Whether this variable is an input. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_input() @property def is_output(self): ''' Whether this variable is an output. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_output() @property def is_parameter(self): ''' Whether this variable is a parameter. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_parameter() @property def is_placeholder(self): ''' Whether this variable is a placeholder. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_placeholder() @property def is_sparse(self): ''' Whether this variable is sparse. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).is_sparse() @property def name(self): ''' The name of this variable. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).name() @property def needs_gradient(self): ''' Whether this variable needs gradients. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).needs_gradient() @property @typemap def owner(self): ''' The function this variable is an output of. ''' if self.is_output == False: raise RuntimeError('called owner() on a variable that is not an output variable') return super(VariableMixin, self).owner() @property def shape(self): ''' The shape of this variable as a tuple. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).shape().dimensions() @property def uid(self): ''' The internally generated unique name of the variable. ''' return super(VariableMixin, self).uid() class _Type(Record): ''' Describes a Variable's type; that is, all arguments to instantiate a Placeholder or Input. These are meant to be passed to update_signature. All are optional, meaning unspecified. ''' def __init__(self, shape=None, dtype=None, needs_gradient=None, is_sparse=None, dynamic_axes=None): r = dict() if shape is not None: r['shape'] = shape if dtype is not None: r['dtype'] = dtype if needs_gradient is not None: r['needs_gradient'] = needs_gradient if is_sparse is not None: r['is_sparse'] = is_sparse if dynamic_axes is not None: r['dynamic_axes'] = dynamic_axes super(Variable._Type, self).__init__(**r) def __call__(self): ''' Dummy call operator, in case a user attempts to instantiates the type directly. That is not possible because these are abstract types that cannot be instantiated directly. Example: >>> from cntk.layers.typing import Tensor >>> try: ... inp = Tensor[32]() ... except TypeError as e: ... print('ERROR: ' + str(e)) ERROR: abstract type Tensor[32] cannot be instantiated; use 'input_variable(**Tensor[32])' instead ''' raise TypeError("abstract type " + str(self) + " cannot be instantiated; use 'input_variable(**" + str(self) + ")' instead") _unknown_shape = (-2,) # TODO: take this from the catacombs of cntk_py def __str__(self): ''' Stringifies the Type record back to Python 3 syntax per layers.typing. ''' # base type shape = getattr(self, 'shape', Variable._Type._unknown_shape) is_sparse = getattr(self, 'is_sparse', False) axes = getattr(self, 'dynamic_axes', ()) dtype = getattr(self, 'dtype', None) has_axes = len(axes) > 0 # it's a tuple of Axis if is_sparse and not has_axes: raise TypeError('Type: cannot be sparse and not have an axis') if shape == Variable._Type._unknown_shape: s = 'tensor' elif shape == (): s = 'np.float64' if dtype == np.float64 else 'np.float32' if dtype == np.float32 else 'np.float16' if dtype == np.float16 else 'float' else: s = 'Tensor[' if dtype == np.float64: s += 'np.float64,' if dtype == np.float16: s += 'np.float16,' if shape == (): s += '()' else: s += ','.join(str(dim) for dim in shape) s += ']' if is_sparse: s = "Sparse" + s elif not has_axes: s = "Parameter" + s # axis if has_axes: for axis in reversed(axes): if == 'defaultBatchAxis': # axis == Axis.default_batch_axis(): --TODO: how to do this right? continue if == 'defaultDynamicAxis' or == 'UnknownAxes': # TODO: how to do this right? t = 'Sequence' else: t = 'SequenceOver[' + + ']' s = t + '[' + s + ']' # We do not return dtype or needs_gradient. dtype is mostly redundant, and needs_gradient is not really part of the type. return s @property def shape_is_known(self): shape = getattr(self, 'shape', None) return shape is not None and shape != Variable._Type._unknown_shape @staticmethod def _sanitize(the_type): ''' Converts type into Variable._Type if given a float, float32, float64 or float16. ''' # TODO: it would be great if in a future version we could recognize and support Python 3.5 typing.Sequence import sys if sys.version_info >= (3,5): from typing import GenericMeta if isinstance(the_type, GenericMeta): raise TypeError("Python's typing.Sequence is not a valid CNTK type; use cntk.layers.typing.Sequence instead") if the_type == float: return Variable._Type(shape=(), is_sparse=False, dynamic_axes=[cntk_py.Axis.default_batch_axis()]) elif the_type == np.float32 or the_type == np.float64 or the_type == np.float16: return Variable._Type(shape=(), dtype=the_type, is_sparse=False, dynamic_axes=[cntk_py.Axis.default_batch_axis()]) else: return the_type @property def _type(self): ''' The complete type of the data represented by this Variable as a single object that has data members of the same name. Example: >>> x = C.input_variable(13, name='my_input') >>> x Input('my_input', [#], [13]) >>> x._type.shape, x._type.dynamic_axes, x._type.is_sparse, x._type.needs_gradient ((13,), (Axis('defaultBatchAxis'),), False, False) ''' return Variable._Type(shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, needs_gradient=self.needs_gradient, is_sparse=self.is_sparse, dynamic_axes=self.dynamic_axes)
[docs]class Variable(VariableMixin, TensorOpsMixin, cntk_py.Variable): '''Variable(shape=None, dtype=None, needs_gradient=False, is_sparse=False, dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis(), Axis.default_dynamic_axis()], name='') Denotes a symbolic entity corresponding to the inputs and outputs of a Function. Args: shape (`tuple`): the shape of this variable. dtype (`np.float32 or np.float64 or np.float16`): data type of the values that will be bound to this variable. Default is np.float32 needs_gradient (`bool`): if set to True any expression that contains this variable will also be differentiated with respect to this variable. is_sparse(`bool`): whether this is a sparse or dense input (or output) dynamic_axes(`list` of :class:`~cntk.axis.Axis`): the dynamic axes of this variable. These express dimensions that can vary across examples or minibatches. name(`str`): an optional name for this parameter. ''' def __init__(self, shape=None, dtype=None, needs_gradient=False, is_sparse=False, dynamic_axes=[cntk_py.Axis.default_batch_axis(), cntk_py.Axis.default_dynamic_axis()], name=''): shape = sanitize_shape(shape) if dtype is None: dtype = np.float32 dtype = sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype) dynamic_axes = sanitize_dynamic_axes(dynamic_axes) super(Variable, self).__init__(shape, is_sparse, dtype, needs_gradient, name, dynamic_axes) @typemap
[docs] def as_parameter(self): ''' Converts this instance into a :class:`Parameter` ''' if not self.is_parameter: raise TypeError('cannot be converted into a Parameter') return cntk_py.Parameter(self)
[docs] def as_constant(self): ''' Converts this instance into a :class:`Constant` ''' if not self.is_constant: raise TypeError('cannot be converted into a Constant') return cntk_py.Constant(self)
[docs]class Parameter(VariableMixin, TensorOpsMixin, cntk_py.Parameter): '''__init__(self, shape=None, init=None, dtype=np.float32, device=None, name='') A trainable parameter. It can be a scalar, vector, matrix, or tensor of floating point numbers that can be modified by a training procedure. Example: >>> p = C.Parameter((13,42,7), init=C.glorot_uniform()) >>> p.shape (13, 42, 7) >>> # example with inferred dimensions >>> W = C.Parameter((C.InferredDimension, 42), init=C.glorot_uniform()) >>> W.shape # -1 indicates dimension yet to be inferred (-1, 42) >>> x = C.input_variable(13) >>> y = C.times(x, W) # times operation now knows that the input dimension of W must be 13 >>> W.shape # hence, the shape has been updated (13, 42) Args: shape (`tuple`): the shape of the tensor holding the parameters init (value (`np.ndarray`, `list`, `float`, `int`) or :class:`~cntk.initializer`: Initial value. If a numpy array is specified the shape argument is ignored and the tensor gets the shape of this argument. Alternatively, an initializer from :class:`~cntk.initializer` can be specified. dtype (`np.float32` or `np.float64` or `np.float16`): data type of the values stored. device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): the device on which the values should reside. name (`str`): an optional name for this parameter Parameters are Variables and therefore they inherit all their methods. ''' def __init__(self, shape=None, init=None, dtype=default_override_or(np.float32), device=None, name=''): if not device: device = use_default_device() if init is None: init = 0 pure = get_default_override(None, pure=default_override_or(False)) if pure: raise TypeError('parameters cannot be created inside a @Function def') from _cntk_py import constant_initializer if np.isscalar(init): init = constant_initializer(init) if not shape: shape = () dtype = get_default_override(Parameter, dtype=dtype) if dtype is not None: if isinstance(init, np.ndarray) and dtype != init.dtype: init = np.array(init, dtype=dtype) else: if isinstance(init, np.ndarray): dtype = init.dtype else: dtype = np.float32 if isinstance(init, (np.ndarray, list, float, int)): ndav = sanitize_value(shape, init, dtype, device) super(Parameter, self).__init__(ndav, name) else: shape = sanitize_shape(shape) cntk_dtype = sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype) super(Parameter, self).__init__(shape, cntk_dtype, init, device, name) @property def value(self): ''' Value of the Parameter Args: getter: gets the Parameter's value as a NumPy array setter: sets the Parameter's value to the provided NumPy array ''' return super(Parameter, self).value().to_ndarray() @value.setter def value(self, val): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): ndarray = NDArrayView.from_dense(val.astype(self.dtype)) super(Parameter, self).set_value(ndarray) elif isinstance(val, cntk_py.NDArrayView): super(Parameter, self).set_value(val) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported value type: %s", type(val))
[docs]class Constant(VariableMixin, TensorOpsMixin, cntk_py.Constant): '''__init__(self, value=None, shape=None, dtype=np.float32, device=None, name='') A constant value. It can be a scalar, vector, matrix, or tensor of floating point numbers that cannot be modified. A Constant is a :class:`~cntk.variables.Variable` and therefore inherits all its methods. Example: >>> c = C.Constant(1, (2,3)) >>> c.value array([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]], dtype=float32) Args: value (`np.ndarray` or `list` or `float` or `int`): Initial value. dtype (`np.float32` or `np.float64` or `np.float16`): data type to store the values as. device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): the device on which the values should reside. name (`str`): an optional name for this constant. Todo: Document initializers for `value` parameter. ''' def __init__(self, value=None, shape=None, dtype=default_override_or(np.float32), device=None, name=''): if not device: device = use_default_device() if (np.isscalar(value) or isinstance(value, np.ndarray)) and not shape: shape = () dtype = get_default_override(Constant, dtype=dtype) if dtype is not None: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and dtype != value.dtype: value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) else: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): dtype = value.dtype else: dtype = np.float32 if np.isscalar(value): super(Constant, self).__init__(sanitize_shape(shape), sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype), value, device, name) else: ndav = sanitize_value(shape, value, dtype, device) super(Constant, self).__init__(ndav, name) @property def value(self): ''' NumPy array of the value ''' return super(Constant, self).value().to_ndarray() @value.setter def value(self, val): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): ndarray = NDArrayView.from_dense(val.astype(self.dtype)) super(Constant, self).set_value(ndarray) elif isinstance(val, cntk_py.NDArrayView): super(Constant, self).set_value(val) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported value type: %s", type(val))