Source code for cntk.contrib.crosstalk.crosstalk_tensorflow

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from cntk.contrib import crosstalk as cstk

VariableType = 'Variable'
TrainableType = 'Trainable'
DictTrainableType = 'DictTrainable'

[docs]def find_trainable(name, scope=None): ''' Find a single trainable variable in a function by name when the function has multiple parameters. Args: func: The function to search name (`str`): The name of the parameter scope (`str`): The scope of the search Returns: The trainable variable that is found ''' found = [tp for tp in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope) if name in] if len(found)==0: raise Exception('not found') elif len(found) > 1: raise Exception('more than 1 found') return found[0]
def _trainable_setter(sess): def _set(p, raw_value, attr=None): if p.get_shape() != raw_value.shape: v = raw_value.reshape(p.get_shape()) else: v = raw_value tf.assign(p, v).eval(session=sess) return _set def _trainable_getter(sess): def _get(p, attr=None): return p.eval(sess) return _get def _dict_trainable_setter(sess): def _set(td, raw_value, attr=None): if len(td) != len(raw_value): raise Exception('mismatch len') if td.keys() != raw_value.keys(): raise Exception('mismatch keys') for k in td.keys(): _trainable_setter(sess)(td[k], raw_value[k]) return _set def _dict_trainable_getter(sess): def _get(td, attr=None): return {k : _trainable_getter(sess)(td[k]) for k in td.keys()} return _get def _variable_getter(sess, data): def _get(p, attr=None): return p.eval(data, session=sess) return _get def _conv2d_getter(sess): def _get(pd, attr): W = _trainable_getter(sess)(pd.W) #handling input with sequence axis: W_rank = len(W.shape) #the transpose from tf [H, W, C] to cntk's [C, H, W] happens at the tailing axes excluding the leading dynamic #axes (batch and sequence axes) in the data format: axis_perm = (list(range(W_rank - 3)) if W_rank > 3 else []) + [i + W_rank - 3 for i in [2,0,1]] if pd.b: b = _trainable_getter(sess)(pd.b) else: b = None return cstk.Conv2DArgs(W=W.transpose(axis_perm), b=b.reshape(attr.num_filters,)) return _get def _conv2d_setter(sess): def _set(pd, raw_value, attr): _trainable_setter(sess)(pd.W, raw_value.W.transpose(1,2,0)) if pd.b: _trainable_setter(sess)(pd.b, raw_value.b) return _set def _adjust_forget_bias(all_bias, hidden_dim, forget_bias): i,m,f,o = np.split(all_bias, 4) f += forget_bias return np.concatenate((i,m,f,o)) def _rnn_trainable_in_scope(scope): if tf.VERSION.startswith('0.12'): fw_M=find_trainable('Matrix', scope=scope+'/FW') fw_b=find_trainable('Bias', scope=scope+'/FW') bw_M=find_trainable('Matrix', scope=scope+'/BW') bw_b=find_trainable('Bias', scope=scope+'/BW') elif tf.VERSION.startswith('1'): if tf.VERSION.startswith('1.1'): fw_M=find_trainable('weights', scope=scope+'/fw') fw_b=find_trainable('biases', scope=scope+'/fw') bw_M=find_trainable('weights', scope=scope+'/bw') bw_b=find_trainable('biases', scope=scope+'/bw') else: # the following changes started with version '1.2' until as of version 1.7 for now fw_M = find_trainable('kernel', scope=scope + '/fw') fw_b = find_trainable('bias', scope=scope + '/fw') bw_M = find_trainable('kernel', scope=scope + '/bw') bw_b = find_trainable('bias', scope=scope + '/bw') else: raise Exception('only supports 0.12.* and 1.*') return fw_M, fw_b, bw_M, bw_b def _rnn_getter(sess): def _get(scope, attr): if not attr.bidirectional: raise NotImplementedError() fw_M, fw_b, bw_M, bw_b = _rnn_trainable_in_scope(scope) fw_W, fw_H = np.split(_trainable_getter(sess)(fw_M), [attr.input_dim]) fw_b = _adjust_forget_bias(_trainable_getter(sess)(fw_b), attr.hidden_dim, attr.forget_bias) bw_W, bw_H = np.split(_trainable_getter(sess)(bw_M), [attr.input_dim]) bw_b = _adjust_forget_bias(_trainable_getter(sess)(bw_b), attr.hidden_dim, attr.forget_bias) return cstk.RnnArgs(fw_W=fw_W, fw_H=fw_H, fw_b=fw_b, bw_W=bw_W, bw_H=bw_H, bw_b=bw_b) return _get def _rnn_setter(sess): def _set(scope, raw_value, attr): fw_M, fw_b, bw_M, bw_b = _rnn_trainable_in_scope(scope) if not attr.bidirectional: raise NotImplementedError() _trainable_setter(sess)(fw_M, np.concatenate((raw_value.fw_W, raw_value.fw_H))) _trainable_setter(sess)(fw_b, _adjust_forget_bias(raw_value.fw_b, attr.hidden_dim, -attr.forget_bias)) _trainable_setter(sess)(bw_M, np.concatenate((raw_value.bw_W, raw_value.bw_H))) _trainable_setter(sess)(bw_b, _adjust_forget_bias(raw_value.bw_b, attr.hidden_dim, -attr.forget_bias)) return _set def _embed_getter(sess): def _get(p, attr): map = {} value = _trainable_getter(sess)(p) for i in range(attr.input_dim): map[attr.dict[i]] = value[i,:] return map return _get def _embed_setter(sess): def _set(p, raw_value, attr): out = [None]*attr.input_dim for w in raw_value.keys(): out[attr.dict.index(w)] = raw_value[w] _trainable_setter(sess)(p, np.asarray(out)) return _set
[docs]class TensorFlowCrosstalk(cstk.Crosstalk): ''' TensorFlow implementation for crosstalk ''' def __init__(self): super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).__init__()
[docs] def set_data(self, sess, data): ''' Set session and mapped data for setter/getters Args: sess : The tensorflow session data : The input data feed dict for eval ''' super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(TrainableType, setter=_trainable_setter(sess), getter=_trainable_getter(sess)) super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(DictTrainableType, setter=_dict_trainable_setter(sess), getter=_dict_trainable_getter(sess)) super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(VariableType, getter=_variable_getter(sess, data)) super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(cstk.Conv2DAttr, setter=_conv2d_setter(sess), getter=_conv2d_getter(sess)) super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(cstk.RnnAttr, setter=_rnn_setter(sess), getter=_rnn_getter(sess)) super(TensorFlowCrosstalk, self).register_funcs(cstk.EmbedAttr, setter=_embed_setter(sess), getter=_embed_getter(sess))
[docs] def is_trainable(self, name): ''' Check if variable with name is a trainable Args: name (`str`): Variable name to check ''' var_type = self.vars[name].type return var_type != VariableType
[docs] def load_all_trainables(self): ''' Load all trainables from files in working directory ''' self.load([n for n in self.vars.keys() if self.is_trainable(n)])
[docs] def save_all_trainables(self): ''' Save all trainables to files in working directory '''[n for n in self.vars.keys() if self.is_trainable(n)])
instance = TensorFlowCrosstalk()